Hörstel | Info on living, living, working in Hörstel | Münsterland
© Münsterland e.V./Marcel Lesch
A stronghold for riders, cyclists and culture lovers

Welcome to Hörstel!

The 21,000 inhabitants of Hörstel are distributed among the districts of Bevergern, Dreierwalde, Hörstel and Riesenbeck. This is where THE GOOD LIFE in the countryside comes together with optimal transport links and many leisure opportunities.

between the Teutoburg Forest and Münsterland

Hörstel lies on the edge of the Teutoburg Forest between Rheine and Ibbenbüren, north of Münster. The town is well connected in all directions via its own junction on the A30 motorway: It takes about 50 minutes to get to Münster by car and only half an hour to Münster/Osnabrück Airport (FMO). Osnabrück and the district town of Steinfurt are both 35 minutes away by car, and the Dutch shopping city of Enschede is around 45 minutes away. The nearby A1 and A31 motorways take you to the North Sea in only about two hours.
Hörstel also has a railway station. You can take the train directly to Osnabrück, Bielefeld, Hanover and Hengelo in the Netherlands.

Tip: The Münsterland is a cycling region! 4,500 kilometres of cycle paths offer you almost unlimited possibilities in the city and in the countryside: you can commute to work comfortably by bike and go on great tours with friends and family.

Living in Hörstel

The four districts were independent municipalities until 1975, when they were merged to form today's town of Hörstel. This is why you can still find a mix of residential areas, shopping facilities, restaurants and businesses everywhere.

The eponymous and largest district of Hörstel is home to almost 7500 of the total 21,000 inhabitants, Riesenbeck is home to a good 6500 people and Bevergern to around 4300. The smallest district is Dreierwalde with around 2700 inhabitants.

Even though rental and purchase prices are following the general property trend overall, there are still numerous niches to be discovered in Münsterland when it comes to building, buying or renting. Here you can find the average purchase and rental prices for a house or flat in rural Münsterland.

Information on urban building plots or designated building gaps can be found under the heading "Planning and building" on the city's website.

Did you know ... ?!

Between the districts of Riesenbeck and Bevergern lies the "Wet Triangle": This is where the Mittelland Canal branches off from the Dortmund-Ems Canal.

Shopping in Hörstel

You are well supplied with groceries and other daily necessities in all parts of the town: there are supermarkets, bakeries, restaurants and pubs everywhere. In Hörstel, Riesenbeck and Bevergern you can also browse in various small shops. Like almost everywhere in Münsterland, there are specialist bicycle shops in the city where you can buy bicycles and e-bikes as well as accessories.

You don't have to go far for extensive shopping trips either: The Designer Outlet Ochtrup is only 30 minutes away by car.

Childcare in Hörstel

There are around 17 daycare centres and kindergartens in Hörstel. You can find the contact details of the individual facilities and the responsible contact person at the town council on the town's website.

You can search for and apply for a childcare place online via the "STEP" portal of the district of Steinfurt.

Schools in Hörstel

The five primary schools are spread over all parts of the town, and there is also a comprehensive school in Hörstel. Young people from Hörstel can attend secondary schools and grammar schools in neighbouring Rheine, for example.

Working in Hörstel

Hörstel has a broad mix of industries with a focus on metal construction and processing as well as construction. One of the largest companies is the OKE Group, which manufactures plastic components for the automotive, electronics and furniture industries. It has its headquarters in the small town in Münsterland and a total of 14 locations worldwide.

Top employer in Münsterland

Top employer in Münsterland Top employer in Münsterland
© Hengst SE

Our tips: Leisure, sport and culture in Hörstel

  • Cycle tour on the 100 Castles Route
  • Hike on the Hermannsweg through the Teutoburg Forest
  • Swimming in the indoor pool in Riesenbeck
  • Swimming in the lake:Torfmoorsee with bathing beach
  • Fishing, sailing and windsurfing on the Torfmoorsee lake
  • Riding at one of the riding clubs
  • Football, handball, volleyball and much more at the sports club
  • Exhibitions at the DA, Kunsthaus Kloster Gravenhorst
  • Walk along the Dortmund-Ems Canal
  • City trip to Münster or Osnabrück
  • Trip to the Designer Outlet Ochtrup
  • and much more.

The MünsterlandBlog

On the Bevergerner Pättken On the Bevergerner Pättken
© Münsterland e.V.
We have tested the Bevergerner Pättken hiking trail for you

The sun is shining and the colourful leaves are falling from the trees: the perfect autumn weather for a little hike. Our colleague Victoria thought so too. Together with her mother, she walked along the Bevergerner Pättken in Hörstel. Find out what they discovered on their walk and what tips they have for you on the MünsterlandBlog.

Curious? Your free time in Hörstel

Hörstel in the Münsterland Hörstel in the Münsterland
© Münsterland e.V. / Kai Marc Pehl