Ibbenbüren in the Münsterland | Info on living, living, working
© Münsterland e.V./Pascal Blech
The high in the Münsterland

Welcome to Ibbenbüren!

The 54,000 inhabitants of Ibbenbüren enjoy THE GOOD LIFE between urban leisure and cultural activities, the green Münsterland and the Teutoburg Forest. The town consists of nine districts of different sizes.

North of Münster, west of Osnabrück

Ibbenbüren is about 45 minutes by car north of Münster in the district of Steinfurt. It takes half an hour to drive to Osnabrück and Münster/Osnabrück Airport (FMO), and about 40 minutes to the district town of Steinfurt . A popular excursion destination nearby is the Dutch city of Enschede, which you can reach by car in 50 minutes. The North Sea coast is just under two hours away via the nearby motorways.
From the railway stations in Ibbenbüren, Ibbenbüren-Esch and Ibbenbüren-Laggenbeck you can travel in the direction of Rheine, Osnabrück, Bielefeld and Hanover.

Tip: The Münsterland is a cycling region! 4,500 kilometres of cycle paths offer you almost unlimited possibilities in the city and in the countryside: you can commute to work comfortably by bike and go on great tours with friends and family.

Living in Ibbenbüren

Around half of the 54,000 inhabitants live in the town centre. Ibbenbüren also includes eight districts that are no more than 15 minutes by car from the city centre. The largest district is Laggenbeck/Osterledde in the east with around 9500 inhabitants. Püsselbüren in the north-west is home to just under 5,000 people, while Alstedde/Schafberg, which lies between the town centre and Laggenbeck in the east, has a good 4,000 inhabitants.
Dickenberg in the north-west is somewhat smaller (around 3,500 inhabitants), while Dörenthe in the south and Lehen/Schierloh in the west each have a population of around 1,500. On the north-western edge of the urban area is Uffeln, the smallest district with around 800 inhabitants.
Bockraden, to the north, is one of the larger districts in terms of population, with around 4,700 inhabitants. However, it does not have a town centre, but consists of various small farming communities.

Even though rental and purchase prices are following the general property trend overall, there are still numerous niches to be discovered in Münsterland when it comes to building, buying or renting. Here you can find the average purchase and rental prices for a house or flat in rural Münsterland.

Do you want to build a house in Ibbenbüren? On the city's website you will find information on building sites and municipal residential building plots.

Did you know...?!

In the past, many people from Ibbenbüren and the region worked in the coal industry: the Ibbenbüren mine was one of the last active coal mines in Germany, along with the Prosper Haniel mine in Bottrop. Production ceased in 2018 - until then, miners had extracted coal here up to 1500 metres underground.

Shopping in Ibbenbüren

You can buy groceries in supermarkets all over Ibbenbüren, and there is also a market in the centre twice a week. The best place to shop is in the pedestrian zone in Ibbenbüren's city centre with its many historic buildings. Between cafés and restaurants you can browse in shoe and sports shops, wine and delicatessen shops and bookshops. As in many places in Münsterland, there are not only fashion shops of the big chains, but also small, individual boutiques and concept stores. And of course you can also get accessories and new bicycles or e-bikes in specialist bicycle shops here.
A different kind of shopping? The Designer Outlet Ochtrup is only a 40-minute drive away.

Childcare in Ibbenbüren

A total of 29 kindergartens and daycare centres in Ibbenbüren look after the very youngest children. 14 of the facilities are located in the city centre, five in Laggenbeck, four in Bockraden, three each in Püsselbüren and Dickenberg and one in Dörenthe. Here you will also find information and contact details for childcare centres.

Schools in Ibbenbüren

At the schools in Ibbenbüren, children, adolescents and young adults can obtain all degrees and prepare for professional life:

  • Nine primary schools
  • One secondary modern school (with one location each in Laggenbeck and Dickenberg)
  • Three secondary modern schools
  • One comprehensive school
  • Two grammar schools
  • Two special schools (focusing on language and emotional and social development)
  • Two vocational colleges

Working in Ibbenbüren

Ibbenbüren as a business location is characterised by medium-sized businesses and a diverse mix of industries: In addition to various service providers and craft businesses, there are, for example, machine builders, logistics providers, food manufacturers, pharmaceutical companies, chemical plants and plastics manufacturers based here. The seven industrial estates are also home to a number of nationally renowned companies, including the Teutoburger Ölmühle, the Ibbenbürener Vereinsdruckerei and the large music shop "Musik Produktiv".
The Klinikum Ibbenbüren is a large hospital with two locations and many different specialist departments.

Top employer in Münsterland

Top employer in Münsterland Top employer in Münsterland
© Hengst SE

Our tips: Leisure, sport and culture in Ibbenbüren

The MünsterlandBlog

Luisa Derhake with her dog on the Hermann Trail Luisa Derhake with her dog on the Hermann Trail
© Luisa Derhake
We have tested the Hermannsweg for you

Accompanied by her four-legged friend Hedwig, our guest blogger Lusia Derhake set out on the Hermannsweg, which also leads through Ibbenbüren. Find out how she experienced the hiking route, what her personal highlights are and what tips she has for you in her article on the MünsterlandBlog.

Curious? Your free time in Ibbenbüren

Ibbenbüren in the Münsterland Ibbenbüren in the Münsterland
© Münsterland e.V./Pascal Blech