Living in Münster | Mitte-Nord | Kreuzviertel | Germania Campus
Living in the liveable city of Münster
© Münsterland e.V./Philipp Fölting
Living in Münster

Centre-North: Kreuzviertel, Germania Campus, Wienburgpark and Rumphorst

In one of Münster's most popular residential areas, the Kreuzviertel, there are still many beautiful old buildings lined up next to each other. It is therefore perfect for a stroll outside the city centre and is particularly popular with families because of its quiet location. In addition to many old churches, small, owner-run cafés and restaurants are to be found here. There is even a craft beer brewery in one of the residential streets. You can also visit one of the oldest and smallest cinemas in the city, the Schloßtheater.

From the cinema, a main road leads almost directly on to the Germania Campus in the north, which is located on the site of the former Germania Therme and Brewery. The so-called Leonardo Campus, which is also located here, is one of several locations of the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster. Many flats have been built in this area in recent decades, along with numerous shopping facilities, gastronomic offerings and recreational opportunities - including an outdoor swimming pool that has been located here for some time. To the north is the residential district of Uppenberg . A little to the northeast is Rumphorst, one of two Münster districts in which a fairly large number of new flats have been built in recent years (around 470).

From these parts of the city you can reach the countryside more quickly than almost anywhere else in Münster: you can go for a walk in the extensive Wienburgpark or take a bike ride to the Rieselfelder, an extensive nature reserve with many rare bird species in the north of the city. Beyond this, the newly designed Zentrum Nord (North Centre ) is joined by the slightly outlying Stadtbezirk Nord (North District) with Kinderhaus, Coerde and Sprakel , each of which has its own small town centres.

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© Münsterland e.V./Long-Nong Huang

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