Living in Münster | Mitte-Ost | Erphoviertel | Mauritzviertel
Living in the liveable city of Münster
© Münsterland e.V./Philipp Fölting
Living in Münster

Centre-East: Erphoviertel, Mauritzviertel and St. Mauritz

Residential development in the Erphoviertel is somewhat looser than in the Kreuzviertel. The image is characterised by many old villas, the most famous of which is Villa Ten Hompel, which today is both a memorial and an educational centre.

During the Second World War, large parts of the quarter were quite badly destroyed, but the residential buildings from the 1950s and 1960s that were added later also exude a special flair. In between, the façades of some particularly beautiful old buildings from the beginning of the 20th century, which survived the war, stand out again and again.

The residential district of Mauritz, which is also in this style and still belongs to the Mitte district, begins on Warendorfer Straße. Beyond Warendorfer Strasse and across the Dortmund-Ems Canal, the district becomes St. Mauritz. For its part, Warendorfer Straße leads into the rural district of Ost with Gelmer and Handorf. It then merges with the B51, which continues to Telgte. This pretty town on the Ems is known as a place of pilgrimage, belongs to the district of Warendorf and is very popular with Münster commuters who prefer to live a little further out.

In the Mitte-Ost district, you can visit wine shops, a pastry shop, bistros, restaurants and cafés on Warendorfer Straße or watch many selected films that you can't see anywhere else in the old-established cinema Cinema. Before you go, you can enjoy a bite to eat or a glass of wine at Café Garbo, which you can also take into the cinema.
Another part of the Mauritzviertel is the Hallenbad Ost, which also has a sauna and wellness area. Right next to it is a large football pitch used by clubs for training, basketball courts, three beach volleyball courts and two bacon board courts - all freely accessible and always in lively use, especially in summer. Not far away also begins the Processional Way, an approximately 3.5-kilometre-long green walking route that leads across the canal to the Werse . The small river flows to the east of the town and along the country inn Pleister Mühle, which is a popular destination for walkers or cyclists.

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© Münsterland e.V./Long-Nong Huang

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