Living in Münster | Mitte-West | Univiertel | Coesfelder Kreuz
Living in the liveable city of Münster
© Münsterland e.V./Philipp Fölting
Living in Münster

Centre-West: Univiertel with Coesfelder Kreuz and Sentruper Höhe

Münster's largest university is not a campus university: the late baroque residential palace west of the city centre serves the university and the student council primarily as an administrative headquarters. The departments, lecture halls and seminar rooms of the various university disciplines are spread throughout the city.

In the palace garden behind the impressive building you can visit the university's botanical garden or go for a walk in the palace garden . To the north, south and west of the castle are smaller residential areas.

A particularly large number of university buildings are located west of the castle, starting at the level of the castle garden with the Hüfferstift and extending to the Coesfelder Kreuz, a major traffic artery right next to the university's largest refectory. Among other things, the mathematics department, various natural sciences, the sports department and medical disciplines are located here.

To the south of the university quarter and west of Lake Aasee is the very upmarket district of Sentrup with the Sentruper Höhe sports centre. Running competitions around Lake Aasee, such as the New Year's Eve run, regularly start from here. Here you can go for a walk in the middle of the countryside, yet still close to the city, and you are almost right next to Münster's Allwetterzoo. You can also visit the zoo by boat from the Aasee.

From Sentrup you can also easily see the two towers of Münster University Hospital, a large hospital that lies beyond the Coesfelder Kreuz junction even further to the west. Behind it begins the more rural district of West with Gievenbeck, Roxel, Nienberge and Häger. Mecklenbeck and Albachten are also officially part of this district, although both lie much further south compared to the other places.

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