Onboarding Münsterland | Service for employers | Network
Service Onboarding@Muensterland for employers
© Münsterland e.V./Philipp Fölting

Service onboarding@münsterland - for employers

Shortage of skilled workers? Not enough applications? Employees who don't stay long? Then the Onboarding@Münsterland service has various service modules ready for you. Together we welcome skilled workers, support them with concrete measures and thus convince them with a positive feeling for the region. To do this, we must become visible together as an attractive employer region and grow together into a large network.

The prerequisite for using the service modules is that you join the employer network Onboarding@Münsterland: Employer branding concerns us all! It is not only you as an employer who has to compete for new skilled workers, but also we, the region. Together with you, with many other employers and numerous partners, we want to show who we are: Münsterland should become known as THE region to work and live in for skilled workers. That's why we have to strengthen Münsterland as an attractive region to work and live in and make it perceivable beyond its borders.

As a member of the network, you will not only receive support in employer branding, but you can also offer your future employees an advisory service to help them arrive during the application process. In this way, you can have a positive influence on the decision about where to work and live. In addition, use the general service modules of the network, which enable you to exchange professional and practical information.


Regular networking and professional events

The Onboarding@Münsterland service offers its members regular networking and professional events to inform and exchange ideas on current topics related to the world of work (for example, recruiting skilled workers, employing refugees from Ukraine, trust, e-learning and much more). More information on past events can be found here.

Employment of international specialists

Immigration from third countries is an important component in countering the current and future shortage of skilled labour! Are you an employer in Münsterland and would like to employ international skilled workers? Then you've come to the right place, because here you will find frequently asked questions and answers (FAQs) on this topic. We also show you contact points in Münsterland and offer you a personal counselling service to work out your next steps together.

International employment International employment
© iStock/Mariia Vitkovska

Employment of refugees from Ukraine

Are you an employer in Münsterland and would like to offer a job to Ukrainian refugees? Then you've come to the right place, because here you'll find frequently asked questions and answers (FAQs) on this topic. In addition, we show contact points in Münsterland that support you in employing people from Ukraine.

© unsplash

Our service modules

Our service modules are free of charge for members of the network and are oriented towards the phases of a recruiting process. To join the network, you only need to become a member of Münsterland e.V. and you can also take advantage of many other services offered by the association.



Onboarding to listen in

What is important when new employees arrive? How do companies successfully integrate new employees? Podcaster Julia Wedderkopf and her guests Monika Leiking and Nicole Kuhlmann got to the bottom of these and other exciting questions. The two experts should know: Monika Leiking is project manager of the Onbaording@Münsterland service at Münsterland e.V. and Nicole Kuhlmann works as a personnel officer at Bäckerei Geiping.

The podcast "Coffee to Talk" is a production of the Münsterland Centre of Excellence for Women and Jobs, a project supported by the Münster Chamber of Skilled Crafts. The project is also supported by the State Ministry for Home Affairs, Municipal Affairs, Building and Equality (NRW) and by ERDF funds from the EU.

Listen in right now! It's worth it...

Your contact persons

Monika Leiking
© Münsterland e.V./Anja Tiwisina
Monika Leiking
Head of Service Onboarding@Münsterland

0049 2571 94 93 15

Birgit Stübing-Beunink
© Münsterland e.V./Anja Tiwisina
Lea Kamp
© Münsterland e.V./Philipp Fölting

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