Working in Münsterland | Professional recognition
Professional recognition
© Stadtwerke Münster
Professional recognition

Professional recognition

Would you like to employ a skilled worker from a third country and are wondering, among other things, when professional recognition is actually required and how the recognition process works?

Depending on the occupational group, there are different formalities and competent testing centres. On this page, we provide you with guidance, answer frequently asked questions (FAQs) and guide you through the recognition process.

Do you still have questions or would you like to discuss your case individually? We offer a personal counselling service by phone, email, video or in person! We will work out your next steps with you and inform you about suitable contact points in Münsterland. Our service is free of charge and your enquiries will be treated confidentially.

Your contact person

Monika Leiking
© Münsterland e.V./Anja Tiwisina
Monika Leiking
Head of Service Onboarding@Münsterland

0049 2571 94 93 15

Birgit Stübing-Beunink
© Münsterland e.V./Anja Tiwisina

What does professional recognition mean?

Anyone who has acquired a professional qualification abroad can apply for it to be recognised in Germany. A foreign professional qualification is recognised in Germany if it is equivalent to a German qualification. An academic or professional qualification obtained abroad is therefore not automatically recognised in Germany. Instead, it must first be checked whether the respective qualification is equivalent to a qualification in the corresponding reference profession in Germany (= equivalence check of the qualification).

For a skilled worker from a third country, the recognition of the foreign professional qualification or the assessment of the university degree can be a key requirement for entry.

You can find more information on professional recognition at "Recognition in Germany": Overview of professional recognition

When is professional recognition necessary?

Professional recognition ismandatory for the employment of skilled workers in regulated professions. Here, professional recognition is mandatory and a qualification recognised as fully equivalent is a prerequisite for obtaining a licence to practise. These professions include, for example, healthcare professions, legal professions or professions in the public sector. You can find a list of all regulated professions here. These professions are legally protected. All other professions belong to the non-regulated professions.

Recognition is not mandatory for non-regulated professions from a professional point of view. However, it can be a prerequisite for entry for skilled workers from third countries: In order to obtain a visa and a residence permit in Germany, professional recognition is often one of the key requirements.

© Münsterland e.V.

Is the recognition procedure necessary or useful in your case? You can use the Recognition Finder on the "Recognition in Germany" portal to search directly for the profession you are looking for. You will be given information on whether an occupation is regulated in Germany or not, as well as further information on recognition and local competent authorities.

Are there any exceptions where I do not need recognition?

Yes, there are the following special regulations:

- Immigration with professional experience:
Since March 2024, skilled workers from third countries have been able to enter Germany via the"experience pillar". The experience pillar allows skilled workers to immigrate even if their professional qualification is not recognised in Germany. The requirements for this are
- an employment contract in a non-regulated profession and
- a certain minimum salary or the validity of a collective agreement and
- a professional qualification that is state-recognised in the country of origin and
- at least two years of professional experience
The Central Office for Foreign Education (ZAB) is responsible for the relevant examination. You can find more information on the exact requirements here: Experience column (under the point "Special regulation for practical work experience")

- Immigration of IT specialists:
IT specialists can also enter Germany for employment without a professional or university degree if they have the necessary professional experience (currently two years of professional experience) and a job offer. They do not need formal recognition if they are employed in a non-regulated profession.

- Immigration of professional drivers:
Professional drivers can come to Germany to work without professional recognition. All they need for the visa is a corresponding driving licence and an employment contract from Germany.

- Western Balkans regulation:
If there is a concrete job offer, nationals of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia or Serbia can enter Germany for employment. They do not need formal recognition of their professional qualification if they are employed in a non-regulated profession.

It is best to seek advice on professional recognition, including the special regulations. You can find the advice centres in Münsterland for professional recognition here.

How does professional recognition work?

1. recognition counselling
In order to have a foreign profession recognised, counselling should take place beforehand. Both skilled workers from abroad and employers can obtain advice on the recognition procedure from the ZSBA (the Central Service Centre for Professional Recognition of the Federal Employment Agency). This will clarify which German reference occupation it makes sense to carry out an equivalence check for and which documents need to be submitted.

2. recognition finder
You can use this tool to check in advance whether professional recognition is necessary. You can find the Recognition Finder here.

3. compile the documents for the application
The documents required for the application are listed at the bottom of the website. You should allow enough time to have documents translated and notarised.

4. application for professional recognition
The skilled worker submits the necessary documents to the competent authority. You can find the application centres in Münsterland here. The documents submitted are checked there and a notice of recognition is issued. The notice indicates the extent to which the foreign professional qualification corresponds to the German reference occupation.

5. the notice of recognition
The notice of recognition or notice of equivalence is in German and is sent to the skilled worker by post. It shows which professional qualifications the applicant has. This creates more transparency about the skills of the skilled worker. Any skills that the skilled worker may lack are made visible by the notice and targeted further training is possible. There are the following results of the recognition notice: "full equivalence", "partial equivalence" and "no equivalence". You can find all information about the recognition notice and further steps on the BQ portal pages.

What documents are required for the application?

The following documents are usually required from your international skilled worker:

  • Identity card or passport
  • Proof of education (graduation documents/certificates) from the country of origin
  • German translations of the documents (important: translations must be prepared by a publicly "sworn" interpreter or "authorised" translator)
  • Curriculum vitae in tabular form in German (= list and available evidence of professional experience, activities and further training)
  • Application form for recognition

You can find detailed information on the documents required for the application on the "Recognition in Germany" website.

If your skilled worker does not have complete documentation, the competent authority can also determine the skills, knowledge and abilities through other procedures (e.g. a qualification analysis).

How long does the process of professional recognition take?

The entire process of professional recognition can take several months. The application should therefore be submitted as early as possible.

As a rule, your specialist should receive feedback on the receipt of the documents and any missing documents no later than one month after submitting the application.

If all the necessary documents have been submitted, your specialist will usually receive a notification with the result within three months.

The most frequent and longest delays in the process are caused by missing documents!

We therefore recommend that you and your specialist take the time for a consultation before submitting your application. Here you can find the advice centres in Münsterland for professional recognition.

© Münsterland e.V.

As an employer, you can use the accelerated skilled worker procedure to shorten the process of professional recognition. In this procedure, the competent authorities have shorter deadlines for processing applications. This shortens the process to two months.

You can find more information on the accelerated skilled worker procedure on our website.

What does professional recognition cost?

The equivalence assessment of foreign professional qualifications is subject to a fee. The actual amount of the application fees is up to 600 euros, depending on the effort involved. At the IHK FOSA, for example, the average cost is 550 euros. Additional costs are often incurred, for example for the procurement of documents from abroad, correspondence, postage and copies, notarisation and translations.

In addition, if the foreign qualification is certified as "partially equivalent", costs may be incurred for an adaptation qualification. The adaptation qualification must be completed in order to receive "full equivalence" in a subsequent application for recognition.

Various subsidies can be applied for to cover the costs incurred during the recognition process.

The BQ-Portal provides an overview of the costs associated with the process and selected fee schedules from various competent bodies as well as options for financial support. On the BQ-Portal you will also find comprehensive information on foreign initial and further training qualifications, which can help you to better evaluate and assess them.

Where do I apply for professional recognition?

Be sure to seek advice on professional recognition in advance! Depending on the profession, personal background and qualifications of your skilled worker, there are different requirements and competent bodies for the application for recognition. You can find the advice centres in Münsterland for professional recognition here.

© Stadtwerke Münster

The application centres for professional recognition for most occupational groups in Münsterland are

Where can I get advice on professional recognition?

Our recommendation is: As an employer, get advice on the professional recognition of your skilled worker! Ideally before you submit your application. Depending on the profession, personal background and qualifications, there are different requirements and competent bodies for the application for recognition. The counselling will guide you through the process and can help you to avoid mistakes in the application or delays.

© Münsterland e.V./Christoph Steinweg



If these services are not enough for you, you can find further advice centres via the "Recognition in Germany" advice search.


Our website is not official information from the Federal Government or any other public authority. You can therefore not rely on it when contacting German authorities.

If we are unable to provide you with sufficient information through our service, we will act as a guide and direct you to our official and administrative partners in the region. In doing so, we ensure that you are well informed and can get in touch with the office responsible for you. Our service is free of charge for you and your enquiries will be treated confidentially.

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