Working in Münsterland | Employment of Ukrainian refugees
© Lernen fördern e.V.
Onboarding in the company

For the employment of refugees, some formalities are required that are self-evident for German employees. This page lists some FAQs on this:

Where can refugees open a bank account?

Refugees from Ukraine can open a basic account - this also applies to persons who only have a Ukrainian ID card. In addition, documents proving legal residence in Germany should be kept ready (e.g. residence title, fictitious certificate, proof of arrival or registration). Many banks offer a wider range of accounts for people with passports. You are free to choose which bank to open the account with - the consumer advice centres offer advice on this.

More information for people from Ukraine on everyday life in Germany can be found on the Handbook Germany homepage.

How do refugees obtain an income tax identification number?

The allocation of the identification number at the Federal Central Tax Office is automatically triggered when the refugees register at the competent registration office of the place of accommodation - this can also be the place of the initial reception centre. If the identification number is not yet available, the employer can apply the expected wage tax deduction characteristics for a period of up to three months.

Which health insurance schemes can refugees take out insurance with?

Before taking up employment, refugees from Ukraine currently receive basic benefits according to the Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act. As of 01.06.22 refugees from Ukraine receive benefits via the Job Centre according to SGB II or SGB XII after their registration and are thus also covered by health insurance. If employment subject to social insurance is taken up, immediate health insurance is possible and necessary. When the employment contract is concluded, the person can then choose the health insurance fund himself or herself, or the employer registers him or her with a statutory health insurance fund.

More information can be found on the homepage Netzwerk Unternehmen integrieren Flüchtlinge.

How do refugees obtain a national insurance number?

The same rules apply to social insurance as to German employees. With the start of employment subject to social insurance, refugees are automatically covered by social insurance, i.e. they are members of unemployment, pension, accident and long-term care insurance. If the person does not yet have a national insurance number, the health insurance fund applies for one from the pension insurance fund. The German Pension Insurance also offers multilingual information on the German social security system and the transferability of contributions paid in Germany to so-called "non-contractual foreign countries", which you can hand out to your employees if necessary.

You can find more information on the homepage of the Association of German Chambers of Industry and Commerce.

Can refugees with children receive child benefit?

Child benefit may be available in Germany for children who have fled Ukraine. The application should only be made once the residence permit has been issued. The residence permit must allow employment for at least 6 months. Information on this benefit, including application forms in Ukrainian, can be found on the homepage of the Federal Employment Agency.

Who offers language courses and also professional language courses?

All refugees from Ukraine are entitled to take part in integration courses to learn the German language and gain knowledge about Germany, such as its history, culture and legal system. Information on the courses is provided by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF), where you can also find contact points in your area.

You can also find course locations in Münsterland on the BAMF homepage.

If you already have a permanent employee who has B1-level German language skills, the vocational language courses are the right option. It is already possible to apply with the fictitious certificate and for employed persons directly at the BAMF.

What should I keep in mind during onboarding?

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Everyday working life

In order to arrive at the company, refugees often also need practical support in everyday life, for example with the following issues:

  • Finding accommodation
  • Childcare options
  • Official matters

On the homepage of the Association of German Chambers of Industry and Commerce you can find practical tips for support in everyday (working) life.

Integration in the company

Ideas for practical onboarding in the company could be, for example:

  • Sponsorship and mentoring models
  • Welcome folder
  • Vocabulary list

On the homepage of the Association of German Chambers of Industry and Commerce you can find ideas for onboarding at the employer.

General Ukraine aid in the Münsterland

© Münsterland e.V./Philipp Foelting

The city of Münster and the districts in the Münsterland region provide information on their websites on the topic of Ukraine aid. As a rule, the contact persons in the cities and municipalities are also listed there.

  • District of Borken. You can find more information here.
  • Coesfeld district. You can find more information here.
  • City of Münster. You can find more information here.
  • Steinfurt district. You can find more information here.
  • District of Warendorf. You can find more information here.

Link-Tips Ukraine-Aid

Selection of links on the entry and residence of Ukrainian refugees
  • KOFA Competence Centre for Skilled Workers. You can find more information here.
  • Federal Ministry of the Interior and Home Affairs. You can find more information here.
  • Network Companies Integrate Refugees. You can find more information here.
  • BDA DIE ARBEITGEBER. Find out more here.
  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research. You can find more information here.

Your contact persons

Get in touch and let's talk about your concerns. We will be happy to develop the next steps together with you.

Monika Leiking
© Münsterland e.V./Anja Tiwisina
Monika Leiking
Head of Service Onboarding@Münsterland

0049 2571 94 93 15

Birgit Stübing-Beunink
© Münsterland e.V./Anja Tiwisina

More information