Economic Development | Networks | Chambers | Agencies | Münsterland
Service Wirtschaftsbereich Münsterland e.V.
© Münsterland e.V./Philipp Fölting

Our partners in the Münsterland

Only together are we strong: that's why numerous institutions, players and decision-makers in Münsterland are working together to make the economic region fit for the future. These include the economic development agencies as local contacts for companies and start-ups; the employment agencies for everything to do with working and finding a job; the North Westphalia Chamber of Industry and Commerce as the point of contact for the commercial sector and the Münster Chamber of Sk illed Crafts as the representative body for skilled crafts in the region. There are also numerous networks in the region where you can meet like-minded people to exchange ideas and find common ground.

Economic development agencies, chambers and employment agencies

Networks in the Münsterland

Exchange is an essential success factor for strong and creative companies. If you talk a lot with other entrepreneurs, actors or stakeholders, it is easier to find cooperation partners for your project, come up with new ideas, receive impulses or recognise new investment and development opportunities. In the networks of our region, you have the opportunity to meet like-minded people or people with different ideas, to exchange ideas and to find common ground.

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