Münster Chamber of Skilled Crafts | Münsterland | Interests of the skilled crafts sector
Service Wirtschaftsbereich Münsterland e.V.
© Münsterland e.V./Philipp Fölting

The Münster Chamber of Skilled Crafts: Education - Advice - Service


Education - advice - service: for the Chamber of Skilled Crafts Münster this is a mission that obliges.

As a self-governing institution of the skilled crafts in the form of a public corporation, the Chamber of Skilled Crafts Münster is committed to the interests of the skilled crafts. It also sees itself as a service centre for its members, the skilled crafts enterprises and their employees and apprentices in the chamber district of Münster.


The Chamber performs a variety of tasks which are laid down in § 91 of the Crafts Code.
These include:

  • promoting the interests of the skilled crafts sector
  • supporting the authorities in promoting the skilled crafts through suggestions, proposals, expert opinions and reports
  • keeping the register of skilled crafts
  • keeping the register of apprentices
  • regulating vocational training and monitoring its implementation
  • the enactment of regulations governing journeymen, further training and master craftsmen's examinations
  • the establishment of journeymen's, further training and master craftsmen's examination committees
  • promoting further technical and business training for master craftsmen and journeymen in order to maintain and increase the efficiency of the craft sector
  • the appointment and swearing-in of experts
  • the promotion of the economic interests of the skilled crafts sector
  • the promotion of design in the crafts
  • the establishment of mediation offices for the settlement of disputes between craftsmen and customers

Handwerkskammer Münster
Bismarckallee 1, 48151 Münster
Postfach 3480, 48019 Münster

Telephone: 0251 5203-0
Fax: 0251 5203-106
Mail: info@hwk-muenster.de


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