Business Development Münster | WFM | Company | Münsterland
Business development organisations in Münsterland.
© Münsterland e.V./Anja Tiwisina
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Economic development organisations

Business Development Münster GmbH

Wirtschaftsförderung Münster GmbH (WFM) is a company specialising in start-up, development and location consulting for companies. WFM's core business is commercial space development and marketing, permit management, real estate services, start-up and funding advice and location marketing. WFM also offers access to financing, personnel and cooperation. As a strong partner in a city-wide network, we are connected to all the important institutions and players in Münster and know the right people to contact.

Its strategic goal is to position Münster as one of the leading business locations in North Rhine-Westphalia by making investors curious about Münster and by binding the investment of new and existing companies to the location. WFM achieves this goal through a consistent customer orientation in business development.


Wirtschaftsförderung Münster GmbH

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