Business Development Coesfeld District | wfc | Company | Münsterland

wfc Wirtschaftsförderung Kreis Coesfeld GmbH

The wfc Wirtschaftsförderung Kreis Coesfeld GmbH is the central service provider in the Coesfeld district for those who want to establish, settle or further develop a company in the Coesfeld district. It offers a wide range of support free of charge so that such projects can be launched quickly and the competitiveness of companies can be increased. The shareholders of the GmbH are the district of Coesfeld, the eleven towns and municipalities and the Sparkasse Westmünsterland. The managing director of wfc Wirtschaftsförderung Kreis Coesfeld GmbH is Dr Jürgen Grüner.

Dr Jürgen Grüner, Managing Director:

"The district of Coesfeld is a strong location. Its strength comes from the fact that it is embedded in a strong region: the Münsterland. In order to further develop the strength of the Münsterland, we need powerful partners for the entire region. For us, this includes Münsterland e.V."

The main topics of the wfc

Business start-up

  • Three-stage advisory programme for business start-ups as STARTERCENTER NRW
  • Information on and application for funding programmes and financial support
  • Support for start-ups via the gwc network - Start-up and Growth in the Coesfeld District
  • Gründerstipendium NRW - regional network for the district of Coesfeld
  • Letter to female entrepreneurs NRW
  • Advice on business succession (including via the Münsterland-wide Youngstar(t)s project)

Business development

  • Advice on all topics of business development in general
  • Information on and application for funding programmes and financial support
  • Advice on company handovers
  • Advice on the Ökoprofit programme
  • Coesfeld District Network for Women Entrepreneurs
  • Location and settlement advice
  • Commercial space and commercial property exchange for the district of Coesfeld

Innovation and technology

  • Special advice on innovation promotion, technology transfer and university cooperation
  • Information on and application for funding in this area
  • Technology scouting and networking offers (including via the Münsterland-wide Enabling Networks project)
  • Support for the digital transformation by networking companies, universities and start-ups (including via the start.connect and DigiTrans@KMU projects)
  • Founding member and partner of mü e.V.

Securing skilled labour

  • Advice and provision of guidelines, especially for company-supported childcare, compatibility of care and work and company health management
  • Advice on employer branding and recruiting as well as continuing professional development
  • Advice on improving workplace mobility (including through the SAIL project)
  • Career network Stay Local for school graduates from the Coesfeld district and students in the region
  • Initiation and conceptual and technical support of company (cooperation) projects to secure skilled labour.
  • Support for companies through best-practice examples (among others, through the initiative einfach machen)
  • Information on and application for subsidies, especially qualification subsidies (Bildungs-Scheck NRW, Bildungsprämie)

Digital infrastructure

  • Support for the development of a nationwide fibre optic network in the district of Coesfeld
  • Support for the development of a nationwide mobile phone network in the Coesfeld district.

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