Business Development Steinfurt District | WESt | Münsterland
Business development organisations in Münsterland.
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Economic development organisations

WESt - Wirtschaftsförderungs- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft Steinfurt mbH (Steinfurt Economic Development Corporation)

The Steinfurt Economic Development Corporation has set itself the task of ensuring that the district of Steinfurt continues to gain importance as a business location in the future. In doing so, it has defined strategies for four fields of action that form the focus of its work: Entrepreneurship, digitalisation, securing skilled workers and location profiling.

Wirtschaftsförderungs- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft Steinfurt mbH (WESt) was founded in 2000. The sole shareholder is Beteiligungsgesellschaft des Kreises Steinfurt mbH, a subsidiary of the district of Steinfurt. The managing director is Christian Holterhues.

The tasks of WESt GmbH


Supporting companies on their way to digitalisation

  • Building digital infrastructure: 3 hub:satellites as spaces for the digitisation strategy in companies
  • Imparting know-how: #Chefsache - series of events
  • Digital advisory and funding programmes: Making them known to companies and promoting applications
  • E-Government: Strategy of the district and cooperation with the municipalities

Skilled workers

Ensuring access to skilled workers for companies

  • Company Plus Family competition: Good concepts for employee retention in companies are rewarded
  • zdi-Zentrum Kreis Steinfurt: MINT promotion at the company-school interface
  • CSR Competence Centre in Münsterland: Developing new concepts for companies
  • Attracting skilled workers from abroad: organising talks between companies and regions of the world, e.g. Barcelona
zdi Centre Steinfurt District
  • zdi robotics competitions
  • Crowdfunding campaign for robotics systems
  • Mobile robotics rental system for pupils in the Tecklenburg region
  • zdi pupil laboratory: Learning workshop 4.0 at Rheine vocational college
  • Practical workshops for teachers
  • MINT rallies for pupils
  • MINT workshop
  • zdi-BSO-MINT: 41 funded courses, e.g. 3D printing


Creating ideal framework conditions for founders and companies

  • Knowledge transfer from the university to companies: TRAIN (Transfer in Steinfurt), GRIPS (Start-up and Innovation Park Steinfurt)
  • Networking events: Entrepreneurial breakfasts, topic-related workshops
  • Start-up events: New input and networking
  • Start-up and subsidy advice - also on site
  • Advice from business seniors
  • Business angel network
  • Information on funding and advisory programmes

Location profiling

Making the residential and business location more attractive

  • Broadband expansion: 158 million in subsidies for expansion in outlying areas, support for municipalities in tendering procedures
  • Commercial sites in the district of Steinfurt: Münsterland commercial site exchange, commercial site monitoring (in planning)
  • Lobbying and public relations work for the business location: Infrastructure development (e.g. Lappwaldbahn rail transport), Expo Real.
  • Land reactivation/re-use: example coal region Ibbenbüren


Wirtschaftsförderungs- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft Steinfurt mbH (WESt)

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