Network | Münsterland | Geoinformation | Processing | Company
Networking: Stakeholders from the region at enablingcamp2018.
© Münsterland e.V.
Networks and clusters

Geonetwork Münsterland

The Geonetzwerk Münsterland is an association of institutions and companies in the Münsterland region that deal with the provision and processing of geoinformation. The aim of the network is to strengthen cooperation in the region and to create awareness of the special competences in Münsterland in the field of geoinformation. The aim of the geo-network is to establish Münsterland as a region of competence in the geoinformation industry.


  • the networking of actors from administration, business and science
  • professional exchange and regional technology transfer
  • joint projects for the development of innovative solutions for the provision and use of geoinformation
  • the creation of public awareness for the diverse
  • application areas of geodata and geoinformation
  • Targeted marketing and the provision of contacts for the geo-competences of the region.