Network | Münsterland | Surface NRW | Economy | Business
Networking: Stakeholders from the region at enablingcamp2018.
© Münsterland e.V.
Networks and clusters

Surface Network NRW

The Surface Network NRW initiates and promotes innovation processes in surface technology. The members, consisting of companies, business development institutions and universities, come from all levels of the significant value chain. Research and development topics are worked on together in order to design innovative surfaces more quickly and efficiently.


  • Identification of common interests in workshops
  • Development and implementation of individual and joint projects
  • Identification and acquisition of funding for innovation and network projects
  • Support in the development of existing and new training and study programmes
  • Organisation of information events, congresses and trade fairs
  • Public relations work to improve the visibility and image of surface technology

Your contact to the network

Martin Gründkemeyer
Netzwerk Oberfläche NRW e.V. Managing Director