Green start-ups Münsterland | Start-up support
The Green Foundations Münsterland project of Münsterland e.V.
© Münsterland e.V./Philipp Fölting
Green founding Münsterland

Green founding Münsterland

Logo Green Founding
© Münsterland e.V.

The Grünes Gründen Münster land project aims to strengthen the start-up culture and start-up intensity in Münsterland. As a follow-up initiative to the established Gründergeist #Youngstarts Münsterland project, which has tapped into new start-up potential and target groups with target group-specific offers, Grünes Gründen Münsterland is now focussing on ecologically and/or socially sustainable start-up ideas in Münsterland. The project aims to activate not only those already interested in starting a business, but also and especially potential founders in the field of sustainability.


The aim of the project is to implement targeted offers in the field of ecological transformation for the start-up scene throughout Münsterland and thus help Münsterland grow into a flourishing and sustainable start-up region. To achieve this goal, the project is pursuing the following measures:

  • Raising awareness of and motivation for ecologically sustainable start-ups through best practice and information transfer
  • Interactive knowledge transfer by experts from science and business for (potential) ecologically sustainable start-ups
  • Networking events centred around the ecological transformation of founders and those interested in founding a company

Regional, sustainable, future-orientated: ERDF funding projects present themselves at kick-off event

Three innovative ERDF funding projects in Münsterland have set themselves the goal of promoting sustainable business concepts, creating a central platform for the circular economy and strengthening cooperation in the field of innovation. Under the motto "Into the future with sustainable projects", the initiatives "Grünes Gründen Münsterland", "Kreislaufwirtschaftsregion Münsterland" and "Sustainable Innovation Münsterland" were presented on 3 July at Gut Havichhorst in Münster. At the kick-off event, around 120 guests from business, science and politics were able to get an idea of the projects and learn more about their importance for companies and their contribution to the ecological transformation of the region.

Project partners

The project is funded as part of the ERDF call "Regio.NRW" and works with the following project partners:


The project is funded by the state of North Rhine-Westphalia and the European Union.

Further information on the project

The project team The project team
© Münsterland e.V./Philipp Fölting
The project team

Do you still have questions or specific ideas for the design and implementation? Then get in touch with us!

We as the project team are convinced that we can only realise the project's goal in the best possible way with your support. Because open communication and constructive dialogue are crucial for success. Together we will make the project something special!

Your contact persons

Katharina Stemmer
© Münsterland e.V./Anja Tiwisina
Katharina Stemmer
Service Onboarding@Münsterland
Welcome Events and Marketing

0049 2571 94 93 47

Paulina Wittich
© Münsterland e.V./Anja Tiwisina
Paulina Wittich

0049 2571 94 93 35

Frank Sibbing
© Münsterland e.V./Anja Tiwisina

Further topics