Zauberzeug | Winner of the Münsterland Innovation Award 2023/24
Münsterland Innovation Award 2023/24
© Münsterland e.V./Philipp Fölting
Münsterland Innovation Award 2023/24

Zauberzeug GmbH: Winner 2023/24 in the category "Science meets business" and "Transformation Award | Sustainability Impact"

This innovation was the result of a collaboration between the university, agriculture and the skilled trades. With the autonomous mobile robot "Feldfreund", Zauberzeug GmbH and the Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development (HNEE) have created an innovation that makes work in agriculture much easier.

For their smart and practical idea, Zauberzeug rightly received the Münsterland Innovation Award in the "Economy" category as well as the special "Transformation Award | Sustainability Impact" prize.

An AI-based robot for agriculture

Vacuum cleaner robots, mopping robots, mowing robots - what is so practical in everyday life can also be helpful in other areas, for example in agriculture!

"Field friend" is the name of the new star in agriculture. It was invented by Zauberzeug GmbH from Havixbeck. It provides support when weeding, sowing, inspecting, processing, analysing or harvesting.

And the best thing about this smart "friend" is that it does not emit CO2 and uses artificial intelligence. As a result, it grows with its tasks: At the centre of the innovation is the open-source AI of the control software, which is continuously being developed. It harbours potential - for even more innovation.

Interview with Zauberzeug Managing Director

Learn more about the Münsterland Innovation Award