Münsterland Innovation Award | Sponsors
Companies with innovative products can apply for the Münsterland Innovation Award.
© Münsterland e.V./Kai Marc Pel
Progress. Innovative. Design.
Münsterland Innovation Award

Münsterland Innovation Award: The Sponsors

Side by side with strong partners. Achieving a lot together.

The Münsterland Innovation Award is presented every two years with the support of reliable sponsors from the Münsterland region. Only by working together with our valued partners can we make the creative ideas and forward-looking projects from Münsterland visible.

The sponsors are the savings banks in Münsterland, Provinzial Versicherung AG, Westenergie AG and, since 2023, also Stadtwerke Münster GmbH.

Savings Banks in Münsterland

Savings Banks in Münsterland
© Sparkasse

Making the region fit for the future with innovations


"The Innovation Award is not only a benefit for the award-winning company, but also for the entire region. After all, after 30 years of competition, the Münsterland's business card shows a great deal of creative potential: with their innovative products, entrepreneurs prove time and again how fit for the future this region is. We are particularly proud that the savings banks, as partners of small and medium-sized businesses, are able to accompany a large number of creative minds from business start-ups to international business."

Klaus Richter
Chairman of the District Working Group of the Münsterland Savings Banks

Westfälische Provinzial Versicherung AG

Provinzial Versicherung AG
© Provinzial

Innovation and regionality for a strong Münsterland.

"As a leading regional insurer, Provinzial has been firmly rooted in Münsterland for centuries. It is important to us to promote the innovative strength and growth of our home region. The innovation awards of the last few years prove it: There is an incredible amount of potential here."

Dr. Wolfgang Breuer
Chairman of the Board
Provinzial Versicherung AG

innogy SE

The Westenergie AG logo
© Westenergie

"Decisions on the expansion of renewable energies and the move away from fossil fuels may be made in Brussels or Berlin, but the implementation takes place at home: in everyday life, in the municipalities, in industry and small and medium-sized businesses. The energy system of the future is sustainable and climate-neutral. For this, it must become digital and smart. The ramp-up of the hydrogen economy will not be achieved through a few lighthouse projects, but only with what we realise together with industry partners and municipalities on a large scale. That is why we are looking forward to effective ideas and inspiring impulses from Münsterland that will bring us closer to a sustainable energy supply."

Katherina Reiche

Chairwoman of the Executive Board of Westenergie AG

Stadtwerke Münster GmbH

Logo Stadtwerke Münster
© Stadtwerke Münster GmbH

"Our mission is to make Münster greener and even more liveable. To achieve this, we are implementing the energy transition here on site, driving the mobility transition forward and making digitalisation a tangible experience. Without us, the city would stand still and remain dark. To make sure that doesn't happen, 1,300 colleagues from our Team Münster work hand in hand every day. And just as important is the cooperation with the many companies in Münster, Münsterland and Westphalia that provide us with impulses and challenge our creativity. After all, it is our ability to innovate that has made us an integral part of Münster since 1901. For us, these are the best reasons to support the Innovation Award and motivate applicants to keep reinventing themselves."

Sebastian Jurczyk

Chief Executive Officer, Managing Director Energy

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