Münsterland supplies - Information for companies

Strong together for the Münsterland

This crisis affects us all and only together can we get through it. Numerous partners and providers in Münsterland have therefore set out to help retailers and service providers quickly and easily. We accompany you and your business, your restaurant or your company on the path to digitalisation, give you tips for your website, more reach on the internet and introduce you to strong cooperations.

Our local partners - your next platform

Not only your entry at"Münsterland liefert" is important for your business success during the Corona Pandemic. Our partners from many cities in Münsterland offer special platforms for your location. This will make your offer even more visible to your customers. On the internet, reach is what counts. Meet your customers where they are looking for you online. You are not yet represented on your local platform? Then contact the provider directly and get yourself listed.

Tip: Also provide detailed information about your delivery service on your website. This includes delivery times, delivery costs and payment options - preferably right on the homepage.

Münsterland voucher from Zmyle

Münsterland voucher Münsterland voucher
© Zmyle

Restaurateurs, traders and local service providers can register and present themselves on the voucher portal www.muensterland-gutschein.de free of charge. The implementation is very simple for both the provider and the customer: The providers can register directly on the platform. Customers can buy and pay for the vouchers online. The money is in the provider's account within a few days. The businesses do not need any new hardware or software and payment processing is automatic. The vouchers can then be redeemed later when the favourite businesses are open again.

Partner for the development of a delivery service

A new delivery service is of course also a new challenge, not only digitally but also logistically. Orders have to be taken and goods put together. Of course, the products should arrive fresh and well-packed at the customer's door. We have found partners for you who can help you organise your delivery service. Together we are strong!

Online shops made @Münsterland

Even without the Corona pandemic, online shops will become increasingly important for retailers and restaurateurs in the future. If you want to be successful in the next few years, you should not only convince your customers with excellent service, but also with digital ordering and shopping options. Join your customers on their digital shopping tour and find new customers and sales.

Tobit Live Tobit Live
© Tobit.Software
Tobit: Quick help for online sales

The software producer Tobit.Software from Ahaus provides companies from retail and gastronomy with free eShops for online sales based on chayns5. The shops are installed in just a few steps and can be used directly after entering the products. In addition to the classic payment providers, Apple Pay, Google Pay and Paypal are supported.

Web seminars are offered daily at 11 am and 3 pm at https://www.tobit.com/live . They teach the most important basics for setting up your own websites and online shops and answer questions via live chat.

Tobit Ronomie for the gastronomy Tobit Ronomie for the gastronomy
© Tobit Software
Tobit Ronomie - Initiative to Save Gastronomy

For the 71,787 restaurants in Germany, the ordered closure of the businesses is a real disaster! With the Ronomie initiative, Tobit.Software from Ahaus helps established restaurants to convert to out-of-home business within a very short time (example: https://hoeste.app). The company provides everything necessary for a quick changeover free of charge: software, hardware, services. And for as long as it takes for customers to become guests again! Restaurateurs and bakers can register at https://www.ronomie.org.

Shopware AG Community Shopware AG Community
© shopware AG
Shopware - Instant help for merchants

The Corona pandemic poses huge challenges for all of us. We can only overcome this serious crisis together. With the power of our large community, we want to help especially those who are economically hardest hit: small and medium-sized, often local traders. We support them and at the same time encourage our community to become part of our movement quickly, generously and in solidarity.

Find out on these Pages all about the actions and initiatives of us and our community. Keep up to date with #shopware

typo00 typo00
© typo00
typo00 Ordering system

typo00 is an online ordering system for restaurants and retailers who want to offer products for pick-up or delivery. The system comes with a terminal for quick order processing and covers all communication with the customer. The company is based in Münster.

Portals for cities & municipalities

Who supplies what - Portal for cities and municipalities Who supplies what - Portal for cities and municipalities
© Tobit.Software
Tobit: "Who supplies what" for cities and municipalities

With local delivery portals, more and more cities are ensuring that their citizens are informed and learn where to find which products and who delivers to their door. Cities such as Ahaus, Vreden, Leer and the district of Wesermarsch already rely on the free platform from Tobit.Software. Their own delivery portal is online in just a few minutes and the necessary resources and services are made available free of charge.

Cities and municipalities, business developers and city marketing companies that want to strengthen the local community get their own delivery portal and fast help at https://wer-liefert-lokal.de.

CREATEOCEANS - Delivery portals for cities

The agency CREATEOCEANS from Emsdetten offers the creation of local supply portals for cities and municipalities(www.emsdetten-liefert.de). In addition, it takes care of updating the Google MyBusiness entry at short notice and free of charge due to changed opening hours in the Corona crisis.

Note: The listed companies and service providers do not represent a recommendation, but serve only as an overview. You can find out about the conditions for cooperation directly from the provider.

Registration for service providers

Your service is still missing on the page? Then enter your data now for free.

>> Registration

When making your offer, be sure to observe the Ordinance on Protection against New Infections with the Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2

The Münsterland e.V. reserves the right to select the companies shown. The entry only serves to list the services. Münsterland e.V. accepts no liability for the contents and functions of the services. Please also note our privacy policy. You can send us queries and suggestions by e-mail to digital@muensterland.com.

Up-to-date data creates trust

Unfortunately, many shops and businesses cannot open for their customers at the moment. But we wouldn't be in Münsterland if countless traders hadn't already actively implemented creative solutions to sell their goods and provide their customers with the best possible service. New delivery services, online shops, WhatsApp services and cooperations have emerged. High time to tell customers about them.

Our tips:

  • Make sure that you comply with thehygiene regulations and the regulation for protection against reinfection with the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirusinall processes ! Explain your measures in detail on your website.
  • Inform visitors to your website about your new offers and services - preferably directly on the homepage. Explain the benefits and leave no questions unanswered. Precise information on delivery areas and times, conditions on delivery and shipping costs, payment options and your availability should be easy to find on a central page.
  • If you run an online shop, make it the centre of your communication. Place the shop conspicuously on your website and make it accessible with a "click". Take some time to describe your products. Explain the features and advantages of your offer and formulate the most important benefits in an eye-catching and memorable way. Don't forget to include quantities, colour selection, sizes and the exact price. Especially on the Internet, a picture is worth 1,000 words. Show at least one good photo for each product.
  • "Mobile first" - most people use their mobile phones to visit a website. Therefore, the presentation and functions of your site should also be perfect on a mobile phone or tablet. Are the images still visible, the text still legible and is the menu still visible? The Google Mobile Test shows you at a glance whether your website is also ideally displayed on mobile phones. It's easy to see how your website looks on different screen sizes. Simply go to your website, click the right mouse button and select "Examine" from the menu. If necessary, adjust the display in your editorial system or contact your agency.
  • As the largest search engine in the world,Google is important for every business. Google the name of your business and check your Google My Business listing to the right of the results list. If necessary, update the listing and add more information and images. All you need is a Google account.
  • Many visitors to your website come directly from the Google results list. Here you should present your offer at first glance. Maybe you need to update the texts on your website and - for the moment - put your delivery service in the foreground instead of the opening hours. This also includes the page title and the so-called "meta description". This description is usually displayed by Google under the link in the results list. Adjust the description in your editorial system or contact your agency.
Digital Hub münsterLand
© Digital Hub münsterLand

Further comprehensive Digital Corona tips and links to interesting partners from Münsterland and NRW are offered by the Digital Hub münsterLand on its topic page.


Like many other companies, Münsterland e.V. currently works decentrally in various offices. So that we can help you quickly with queries and suggestions, please send your message to our central e-mail addresses.

Münsterland supplies: digital@muensterland.com

Münsterland brand: marke@muensterland.com

Press Münsterland e.V.: presse@muensterland.com

Contact persons

Robert Denzer
© Münsterland e.V./Anja Tiwisina
Robert Denzer
Strategic digitisation offensive

0049 2571 94 93 14

Eva Stannigel
© Münsterland e.V./Anja Tiwisina
Eva Stannigel
Press and public relations
Kathrin Strotmann
© Münsterland e.V./Anja Tiwisina
Kathrin Strotmann
Head of Brand Communication