Climate Protection Münsterland | Münsterland is Climate Land | Energy
Münsterland is climate land
© Münsterland e.V./Kai Marc Pel
Naturally beautiful ...
Münsterland is climate land

Münsterland is climate land

Münsterland is Klimaland: Under this title we present ourselves as a region that stands for THE GOOD LIFE - today and in the future! This includes being mindful of natural and human resources, operating in a climate-friendly way and creating healthy living conditions. We want to make Münsterland more future-proof for THE GOOD LIFE of present and future generations. We can all contribute to this. Help us and make Münsterland a climate land!

On this page we provide information on five important areas of climate protection from your everyday life and give tips on how you can help to make Münsterland a climate country.

We are the districts of Borken, Coesfeld, Steinfurt and Warendorf, the city of Münster and Münsterland e.V., which coordinates the region's climate protection work as a network centre, as well as the state organisation NRW.Energy4Climate. With a Münsterland-wide campaign for climate protection, we are taking these issues to our region together with the municipalities.

Tips for climate protection

Münsterland is climate land" also means that everyone can do something! Here we present various topics where you can become active. Whether it's about climate-friendly mobility, making your diet more sustainable, renovating your house to make it more energy-efficient or planting a climate-friendly garden: If many people from Münsterland join in, together we can support THE GOOD LIFE in the region.

Here you will find tips, hints and information:

Everyone can do something for the climate - for example, ride a cargo bike. Everyone can do something for the climate - for example, ride a cargo bike.
© Münsterland e.V./Philipp Fölting
Climate tips for the home
Learn more...

Climate protection faces in Münsterland

There are already many people in Münsterland who are active in the field of climate protection and who are making Münsterland a climate country. We introduce you to the faces and stories of these "climate countries" and maybe they will inspire you to join in. Because they all show: Even small measures can have big effects.

More on the topic of climate protection

Actors in climate land

  • The actors

    More information about the contributors to "Münsterland is Klimaland" and their projects.

    Learn more

Statement by the patron of the "Münsterland is Climate Land" campaign

Andreas Bothe, President of the Münster District Government Andreas Bothe, President of the Münster District Government
© Krentz Photography
Andreas Bothe, Regierungspräsident Bezirksregierung Münster:

"We are all aware that the fight against man-made climate change is a task of the century. For NRW, too, this poses major challenges for which solutions must be found urgently. In order for NRW to be successfully transformed into Europe's first climate-neutral industrial region, we must all pull together. One requirement is to think of economic policy and climate protection together - the protection and preservation of our natural livelihood, good jobs as well as social security and justice are not mutually exclusive.

For climate protection to succeed, commitment at the local level is indispensable. It often helps to take a look at the region: what good ideas, activities and projects already exist next door? With the "Münsterland is Climate Land" campaign, we have a platform that links partners throughout the Münsterland region. The municipalities that have committed themselves to the climate campaign are making a joint contribution to climate protection in our region.

Info for municipal actors

Your contact persons

Ute Schmidt-Vöcks
© Münsterland e.V./Anja Tiwisina
Carolin Wicke
© Marc Thürbach
Christian Böckenholt
© Marc Thürbach