Münsterland e.V. | Become a member | Contribution | Benefits
© Münsterland e.V./Arne Pöhnert
Become a member
Become a member of Münsterland e.V.
© Münsterland e.V./Arne Pöhnert
General Meeting of the Münsterland e.V.
© Münsterland e.V.
Become a member

Become a member of Münsterland e.V.

At home in Münsterland

Do you like being from Münsterland? Do you love living and working here? Are you rooted in Münsterland, were you born here or have you moved here, and do you identify with the region?

Then you've come to the right place. Because Münsterland e.V. works for THE GOOD LIFE in Münsterland. We make our region more perceptible and more tangible. We want to further strengthen the economic power of the Münsterland, make the region better known as a tourist destination and make it possible to experience all the cultural treasures.

Standing behind the region

Our members value the people, the location, the landscape and the opportunities in Münsterland. With your contribution you support our work and help to network, promote and further develop the region.

This is how it works: You too can become a member of Münsterland e.V.

  • Download the membership application form.
  • Fill it out and don't forget to sign it.
  • Send us the original either scanned by e-mail to info@muensterland.com or by post to Münsterland e.V., Airportallee 1, 48268 Greven.

You can find the contribution amount at the bottom of this page or in the membership application.

Your advantages as a member

Advantages and added value of membership in Münsterland e.V.:

  • Networking: As the region's networking centre, we can put you in touch with contacts on almost any topic or bring you together with new people through our projects who will think outside the box with you.
  • Marketing: Münsterland e.V. has region-wide distribution and publication channels and markets Münsterland as a place to work and live both inside and outside the region's borders. We do this with the regional claim "MÜNSTERLAND. THE GOOD LIFE." via targeted storytelling with individual actors, preferably our members.
  • Media production: Münsterland e.V. regularly carries out photo shoots and video shoots in which members are often involved (location, models, equipment). The corresponding visual material can be used by both sides after consultation.
  • Support in recruiting skilled workers: As a member of Münsterland e.V. you can use the Onboarding@Münsterland service and become part of an employer network. We give your applicants a good Münsterland feeling and support you in employer branding.
  • Information: We inform you via social media, newsletters, mailings, letters or press releases about exciting events, networks, projects, further training or funding opportunities.
  • Platform: As a member of Münsterland e.V. you can become a partner in the organisation of events, a sponsor, an exhibitor at trade fairs or a protagonist in advertising measures.
  • Co-determination: You have the opportunity to get involved in the annual general meeting and help determine the direction of Münsterland e.V. and the region.

What we do for you

Under the umbrella of the new Münsterland regional brand , we ensure that people outside Münsterland also learn about the qualities of the region. In the Münsterland brand portal you can find out what opportunities there are for our members to become supporters of the brand and see examples of how the region's new corporate design has already been implemented.

In the competition between regions, we use supra-regional campaigns to attract skilled workers, tourists, residents and visitors. Our members also benefit from this. We represent the region's interests in various bodies at state and federal level. In addition, we raise funds for the region. In this way, we enable various projects to promote innovation, start-ups, improve quality and service or digitalisation, through which the stakeholders, companies, institutions and associations involved benefit.

More information about the work and tasks of Münsterland e.V. can be found here.

Interested? Your contact person

Klaus Ehling
© Münsterland e.V./Anja Tiwisina
Klaus Ehling
Board of Directors
Division Management Economy and Culture

0049 2571 94 93 01

Michael Kösters
© Münsterland e.V./Anja Tiwisina
Michael Kösters
Chief Representative
Division Management Tourism

0049 2571 94 93 02

Small contribution - big impact

Membership fees depend on the size of your company. Of course, individuals, institutions, chambers, associations, universities or municipalities can also become members. Membership fees are payable per year .

Type of membershipAmount in Euro
Private individual105
Company*150 up to 3500
Legal entities under public law, chambers, associations and societies as well as universities515
Non-profit institutions recognised as charitable organisations105
Local authority according to number of inhabitants

*Details on the scale according to the number of employees: see declaration of membership and contribution regulations.

Tasks and projects of Münsterland e.V.