Münsterland e.V. | Tasks | Networking | Advice
© Münsterland e.V.

Tasks of Münsterland e.V.

Münsterland e.V. acts as a network centre, bundling the potential and strengths of the region so that new perspectives can emerge and new paths can be taken. It

  • ensures a strong positioning in the competition between regions for skilled workers, tourists and inhabitants.
  • as a hub, defines goals and concepts for the future together with the region's actors and coordinates their implementation.
  • is a multiplier for uniform regional marketing.
  • is the interface between the region and the EU (with the neighbouring Netherlands as a special focus), the federal government and the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. In this function, he coordinates and translates the European, federal and state policy goals and programmes of structural support to fit the Münsterland region perfectly.

Annual Report 2023

In our entertaining annual report, you can find out how we have taken Münsterland 2023 forward.

You can view the annual report directly here or download it as a PDF:

Download Annual Report

Further tasks of Münsterland e.V.

  • Münsterland brand © Münsterland e.V./Christoph Steinweg

    What is the identity of the Münsterland? What do we want to stand for in the future? What makes us particularly attractive? Institutions, entrepreneurs and multipliers have answered these questions. The goal of this branding process is for the region to focus and sharpen its profile. Skilled workers, tourists and citizens should feel at home in Münsterland and, of course, stay there.

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  • Economic sector

    Münsterland e.V. brings together actors from business, science and politics with multipliers and coordinates joint activities. It provides impetus, advises and arranges contacts with other contact partners in the four Münsterland districts and the city of Münster.

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  • Tourism area

    The tourism division of Münsterland e.V. markets the Münsterland as an active region for cyclists and horse riders and strengthens the image through other themes such as castles and palaces and picnics. With various promotional projects, Münsterland e.V. also takes care of increasing the quality and service in the region.

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  • Tasks of Münsterland e.V. in the cultural sector Cultural sector Tasks of Münsterland e.V. in the cultural sector
    © Münsterland e.V.

    In the field of culture, the Kulturbüro Münsterland is the contact for the actors in the region. It is one of nine coordinating offices in NRW for the state programme Regional Cultural Policy (RKP). By advising and networking cultural actors, it promotes regional cultural development - always with the aim of bringing together people who love culture and work in cultural institutions.

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  • Münsterland Regional Agency Work area Münsterland Regional Agency
    © erstellt von jcomp - de.freepik.com

    In the field of employment, the Münsterland Regional Agency is committed to the region and strengthens employees and employers. It implements the employment and training programmes of the Ministry of Labour and provides an overview of funding instruments, concepts, programmes and projects. Focal points: Digitalisation and recruitment of skilled workers.

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Münsterland e.V.
© Münsterland e.V./Fabian Riediger
Münsterland e.V.

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