Skilled Workers Campaign I Münsterland I Returnees
Homecoming@Münsterland returnee campaign: Going back to move forward: Homecoming@Münsterland
© Münsterland e.V.


Raising awareness of Münsterland as an attractive region to work and live in

The shortage of skilled workers has been an issue for years and affects numerous sectors and fields. But only with enough skilled workers do employers remain competitive and the region remain an economic centre of attraction. The Münsterland 2020 brand study shows that up to now the Münsterland has been perceived primarily as an attractive region for tourism and less so by skilled workers as an attractive region to work in.

This is why the Onboarding@Münsterland service is launching a broad-based campaign for potential returnees in spring 2021: the aim is to raise their awareness of Münsterland as an attractive region to work and live in at an early stage and, in the best case, to come back to the region to live, work and live.

Campaign message: Going back to move forward

The main target group of the campaign are potential returnees who come from Münsterland but currently live outside the region. They have internalised Münsterland as their home region, but perhaps not yet as an exciting region to work in. This is exactly where the campaign comes in. It wants to motivate former Münsterlanders to come back to their home region and see it with different eyes: as an attractive alternative to other work locations.

Because Münsterland offers top employers and quality of life at the highest level: THE GOOD LIFE in all its facets, at work, at home and in life. The Corona pandemic has not only shown many people how important family and friends are, but also how attractive working in a rural area and in the middle of a stable economic region can be.

Broad digital marketing

With catchy messages, the campaign awakens nostalgic memories of Münsterland in potential returnees. The claims tie in with earlier ideas of the region and combine them with new aspects, for example with Münsterland as a top employer region. "Where you used to discover a lot and will decide a lot today." - "Where you know stories about every corner that you can now rewrite." - These are just two examples of the innovative and convincing campaign claims.

The campaign is marketed primarily online, but analogue advertising measures are also used in a targeted manner. This is to reach as many potential returnees as possible who currently live outside the region. In addition, the campaign can be adapted to current developments in an agile manner.

A central campaign website picks up the target group emotionally and informs them about topics such as working, living and housing. The Onboarding@Münsterland service places great emphasis on personal advice, whether by telephone, digitally or, if possible, analogue.

To the campaign homepage

Campaign duration from the beginning of April until the end of December 2021

The actual campaign ran from 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022 in order to be able to repeatedly address the target group during this period. However, the campaign is reactivated every year at Easter and during Advent and Christmas, as the potential returnees are then visiting home. This is the ideal moment to warm up the target group for the campaign and get them excited about its goals.

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  • Media packages Münsterland e.V. Media packages Media packages Münsterland e.V.
    © Münsterland e.V./Anja Tiwisina

    Together we want to give the Münsterland more charisma. So that we can do this together, Münsterland e.V. provides media packages free of charge for the various campaigns and activities - for representatives from the media, press offices, members, partners. We welcome anyone and everyone who wants to support us in our campaigns and actions in a publicity-effective way.

    The media packs contain graphics for Facebook and Instagram as well as videos.

    Learn more

Your contact persons

Monika Leiking
© Münsterland e.V./Anja Tiwisina
Monika Leiking
Head of Service Onboarding@Münsterland

0049 2571 94 93 15

Birgit Stübing-Beunink
© Münsterland e.V./Anja Tiwisina

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