Brand Münsterland | Branding | Process | Course
Münsterland brand logo bank
© Münsterland e.V./Philipp Fölting

The branding process

The branding process is a joint initiative of Münsterland e.V. with special support from the districts, cities and municipalities in Münsterland as well as the IHK Nord Westfalen and HWK Münster in cooperation with numerous stakeholders. In an initial phase from 2016 to 2018, a brand identity and brand positioning were defined. Three meaning projects were then developed to bring the positioning to life. Since July 2019, the region has had a new logo and the claim "MÜNSTERLAND. THE GOOD LIFE."

And the Münsterland brand is still developing today: various high-reach communication measures have been implemented in recent years. These include tourism campaigns as well as the skilled labour campaign from the Onboarding@Münsterland service. In addition, content was produced for various communication channels, events were organised and regional sales products were developed. However, not only Münsterland e.V. itself, but also its partners are increasingly placing their products and campaigns under the umbrella of the brand.

Various studies from the past few years already show this: THE GOOD LIFE is actually being realised here. According to the Future Atlas 2022 by the economic research institute Prognos, Münsterland is one of Germany's regions of the future. However, the region is not only well-positioned economically, its residents are also at the forefront when it comes to happiness. The Happiness Atlas 2023 revealed that the Münsterland is one of the three happiest regions in Germany. The region is flourishing and this also attracts people from outside the region. The Münsterland is more popular than ever with tourists, as the tourism figures from 2023 show.


Instawalk at the State Stud
© Münsterland e.V./Philipp Fölting
August 2022

Instawalks inspires influencers

In August 2022, influencers visited the State Stud in Warendorf as part of an Instawalk. Münsterland e.V. invited them to an exclusive guided tour and carriage ride through the grounds of the State Stud. The participants then shared their impressions with their community on social media. The event was one of four Instawalks in 2022.

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MünsterlandBlog on the tablet
© Münsterland e.V.
July 2022

MünsterlandBlog goes live

Since July 2022, the staff of Münsterland e.V. have been providing first-hand recommendations and tips for the next holiday or excursion to the region on Among other things, interested visitors will find reports on cycling tours, horseback rides, excursions to events or castles and palaces as well as culinary delights.

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Münsterland Bank
© Stadt Telgte
2021 & 2022

New brand benches for the region

Several Münsterland benches in the shape of the region's logo have been installed throughout the Münsterland region. The colourful and 3.40-metre-long seating offers the districts, cities and municipalities a special way to identify with the region. The benches are available as a permanently installed option as well as a mobile version. More benches are to follow in 2023.

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Territorial Strategy Concept Münsterland
© Münsterland e.V.
January until December 2022

Strategic concepts

During 2022, strategic concepts for regional cooperation under the umbrella of the brand were created. They serve as signposts for the future development of the region. The result is the territorial strategy paper and the strategy concept for the Münsterland economic region.

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Münsterland Picnic Days
© Münsterland e.V./R. Dombrowski
June 2021

First Münsterland Picnic Days

In June 2021, the Münsterland Picnic Days took place for the first time and put the region in a picnic mood for three days. Under the motto "I. You. Us. Münsterland celebrates picnics!", locals, guests and picnic enthusiasts were invited to celebrate the Münsterland way of life together.

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© Münsterland e.V.
April 2021

Onboarding@Münsterland: Skilled workers campaign launched

The Onboarding@Münsterland service is launching a broad-based campaign for potential returnees. The aim is to raise awareness of Münsterland as an attractive region to work and live in and, in the best case scenario, to encourage them to come back to the region to live, work and live.

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Give away a picnic
© Münsterland e.V./Foodistas

Give the gift of a picnic starts

Corona has a firm grip on the world at this time. Small shops in particular were suffering from the lockdowns. In 2020, the "Give a Picnic" campaign not only supported local trade, but also brought the Münsterland lifestyle of picnicking into the home.

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Graphic Brand Study Münsterland
© Münsterland e.V.
November 2020

Brand study

The Münsterland brand study is presented at the Münsterland e.V. general meeting. The Interrogare agency was commissioned by the association to survey the image of the Münsterland in March 2020. The result: high approval ratings for the region.

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Your MünsterLand Moment campaign
© Münsterland e.V./luxteufelswild
July 2020

Your MünsterLand Moment #dasguteleben" campaign

Due to the Corona crisis, Münsterland e.V., together with Münster Marketing and the initiative strong inner city Münster, launched a campaign that intensively promoted the most beautiful sides of the region.

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The new Münsterland logo.
© Münsterland e.V.
July 2019

Logo and claim

Münsterland e.V. presents the new image of Münsterland to stakeholders in the region: The claim "MÜNSTERLAND. THE GOOD LIFE." and a new logo.

© Münsterland e.V./Arne Pöhnert

Brand projects

First projects are presented to the public in Münster. The core themes of picnic, attracting skilled workers and preventive health care are born, brand building begins.

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Brand positioning
© © Münsterland e.V./Arne Pöhnert
August 2017

Brand positioning

The Münsterland brand is presented to the public in Münster. The focus is on the brand positioning and the brand core values.

Christoph Engl
© © Münsterland e.V./Arne Pöhnert
February until June 2017


Christoph Engl develops a brand positioning in a total of seven workshops with the steering team and the strategy commission.

© Münsterland e.V./Arne Pöhnert
Autumn 2016


The Supervisory Board of Münsterland e.V. and the General Assembly of IHK Nord Westfalen decide to carry out the branding process in Münsterland.

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