Innovation Coaches Münsterland | NRW.Innovationspartner | Company
The Innovation Coach training was an important milestone in the NRW.Innovationspartner project.
© NRW.Innovationspartner
Innovation Coach
Innovation consulting in Münsterland is multifaceted.
© NRW.Innovationspartner
Innovation consulting


Strengthening the innovative capacity of small and medium-sized enterprises in Münsterland is the focus of the NRW.Innovationspartner project launched in February 2017. To ensure this, Münsterland e.V., together with its project partners, supports institutional innovation and digitalisation consulting in Münsterland. An important task in the project is, for example, the qualification of the advisors in the region so that they can support the companies in the region even more competently in innovation projects. In addition to advisory training and courses on current innovation and digitisation topics, an important milestone in 2019 and 2020 was the training to become an Innovation Coach.

Qualification as an Innovation Coach

The Innovation Coach training was conducted in cooperation with the Verrocchio Institute for Innovation Competence. Here, the partners in our network received many valuable impulses for consulting:

  • Problem definition, idea generation and idea evaluation
  • Innovation strategy and business model development
  • Promoting a flexible mindset and establishing a culture of innovation
  • Strengthening communication and leadership skills
  • Facilitating creative workshops and innovation projects

An exciting insight into the training and the competence of the regional consultants is offered by the final presentation of the two-year training on 18 December 2020.

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Projects and results of the Innovation Coach training

Following the modular training, representatives of the regional mink network deepened their knowledge during a twelve-month practical phase with their own practical project. The project topics were chosen by the participants themselves and reflect the diverse fields of activity of regional innovation promotion.

  • Christian Holterhues: The New Normal? Generating ideas with remote workshops and distributed teams.
  • Stephanie Koch and Stefan Adam: Developing innovation projects in cooperation between research institutes at Münster University of Applied Sciences and companies
  • Sonja Raiber: Developing better events with the Event Canvas
  • Pia Tovar: Developing a communication campaign with Design Thinking
  • Dr. Markus Könning: First steps with the Innovation Performance Radar for SMEs
  • Bernd Büdding: Technology sensitisation rethought - with Design Thinking

Generating ideas with remote workshops in distributed teams

A concept for the implementation of remote workshops was developed and tested by Christian Holterhues from Wirtschaftsförderung für den Kreis Coesfeld GmbH.


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How science and business develop innovation projects

Stephanie Koch and Stefan Adam from Münster UAS dedicated themselves to the development of innovation projects with the research institutes of Münster UAS and companies.

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Develop innovative event formats with the Event Canvas

Sonja Raiber from Münsterland e.V. shows in her project how the Event Canvas can be used to design innovative event formats that have real benefits for the participants.


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Analyse innovative capacity in companies

Dr. Markus Könning from Wirtschaftsförderung für den Kreis Borken GmbH shows with his project result how innovative capacity in companies can be measured and changed.


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Use of design thinking in communication

Pia Tovar from Münsterland e.V. shows in her project how design thinking and other methods can be used for the conception of communication measures.


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Technology sensitisation thought innovatively

Bernd Büdding from Münsterland e.V. used the design thinking approach to develop innovative technology scouting offers for companies in Münsterland.


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