Gründergeist #Youngstarts Münsterland | Project Data | Müsterland e.V.
The project Gründergeist #Youngstarts Münsterland of Münsterland e.V.
© Münsterland e.V./Romana Dombrowski
Founding Spirit #Youngstarts Münsterland

Project data

Project titleFounding Spirit #Youngstarts
Project partner
  • Lead partner (coordination) Münsterland e.V.
  • Technology Promotion Münster GmbH
  • Business Development Agency for the District of Coesfeld
  • Business Development Corporation for the District of Borken mbH
  • Steinfurt Economic Development Corporation
  • gfw - Society for Economic Development in the District of Warendorf mbH
  • TAFH Münster GmbH of the FH Münster
  • North Westphalia Chamber of Industry and Commerce
  • Chamber of Crafts Münster
  • Westphalian Wilhelms University Münster
  • Westphalian University
Total volumeapprox. 1.16 million euros
  • 50 % EU share
  • 30 % NRW share
  • 20 % own contribution (all partners)

The ERDF programme (EU) aims to increase research and development activities and the competitiveness of SMEs in the European Union.

Project duration15.10.2019 - 14.10.2022


  • Arouse interest in the topic of start-ups or succession.
  • Strengthening the start-up intensity in Münsterland

company succession:

  • Raising awareness of the "succession" form of business start-up
  • Supporting and networking those interested in succession
  • Ensuring the long-term existence of companies through qualified successors


  • Raising awareness of the topic of business start-ups at an early stage
Target groups
  • People interested in setting up a business or becoming its successor
  • Pupils


  • Implementation of the established Gründergeist competition; expansion to include the school category.

business succession:

  • Conducting virtual seminars, workshops and networking events for those interested in succession, as well as creating a podcast on best practice examples from the region.


  • Provision of a platform on which pupils learn to develop and present start-up ideas independently. The goal is to participate in the ideas competition in autumn 2022.
  • Introduce pupils to the topic of start-ups and network them with the existing start-up scene.

Project partner



The project