Presse Münsterland e.V. | Announcements, enquiries, texts and images
The Münsterland e.V. press office is the contact for journalists.
© Münsterland e.V./Fabian Riediger

Press section of Münsterland e.V

Do you have any questions about the Münsterland e.V. press releases? Are you missing important information for your article on the region's top achievements? Do you need a picture of the most beautiful rose garden in Münsterland or a tip for an exciting company portrait?

The Münsterland e.V. press office will be happy to help. We offer journalists, editors and, of course, press offices in the Münsterland region picture material and text modules about the region. We would be happy to support or advise you in your work - just give us a call or send us an email at

Your contact persons

Mareike Meiring
© Münsterland e.V./Anja Tiwisina
Mareike Meiring
Press and public relations

0049 2571 94 93 34

Christoph Schwartländer
© Münsterland e.V./Anja Tiwisina
Caroline Bartmann
© Münsterland e.V./Anja Tiwisina
Caroline Bartmann
Press and public relations

Office days: vary
Eva Stannigel
© Münsterland e.V./Anja Tiwisina
Eva Stannigel
Press and public relations

Current press releases of Münsterland e.V.

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Carriage ride over the grounds of the Westphalian State Stud Farm
Press release
Influencers visit the North Rhine-Westphalian State Stud: Münsterland e.V. promotes the horse region in social media
Equipped with smartphones and cameras, 16 influencers and Instagrammers went on an Instawalk on the grounds of the North Rhine-Westphalian State Stud in Warendorf on Friday afternoon. Learn more
Press work for cultural actors
Press release
Well positioned for press work: Kulturakademie Münsterland gives tips for volunteers
Press work is an important part of public relations for cultural actors. What constitutes press work and what needs to be taken into account is the subject of the seminar "Basics of Press Work" organised by the Münsterland e.V. Cultural Office. Learn more
Altenberge Ice Cream Cellar
Press release
Getting to know each other in the cellar vault: Welcome event for Münsterland newcomers on 24 August in Altenberge
Arrived at your job, found a flat, but still haven't met enough people? That can be changed: At the welcome event for newcomers on Wednesday, 24 August, from 6 to 9 pm in Altenberge. Learn more
Münsterländer Picknickdecke
Press release
From the region for the region: The picnic blanket for Münsterland
With the "Die Gute" picnic blanket, Münsterlanders are now well equipped for their next picnic adventure. Created in cooperation with Richter Textilien GmbH & Co KG from Bocholt, the blanket is now available at 20 sales outlets. Learn more
International students at the Summer School
Press release
Münsterland forever? Service Onboarding@Münsterland aims to attract international students to the region
25 international students have been exploring Münsterland for a week as part of the so-called "Summer School" at Münster University of Applied Sciences. The Onboarding@Münsterland service wants to ensure that the students come back later as professionals. Learn more
The hospital of the future in Duisburg
Press release
In search of innovations: Entrepreneurs visit research centres in Germany and the Netherlands
Artificial intelligence, innovative sensor technology and the hospital of the future: The joint project Enabling Networks Münsterland looked beyond the borders of its own region and took entrepreneurs on four exciting innovation scouting trips. Learn more
MNEME kollektiv
Press release
The "Regional Culture Programme NRW" awards funding: Cultural actors can apply until 30 September
The "Regional Culture Programme NRW" will continue to award funding for creative cultural projects in Münsterland in 2023. The Cultural Office at Münsterland e.V. advises on applications until 30 September 2022. Learn more
Referent Dr. Stefan Borchert
Press release
Start-up vs. company succession: Founder workshop on 30 August in Coesfeld
Do you want to set up a start-up or would you rather be the successor in an existing company? At the free workshop on 30 August in Coesfeld, people interested in setting up a business can find out which of the two start-up paths is suitable for them personally. Learn more
Ausmessen einer Eingangstür
Press release
More accessibility in Münsterland: Eight castles and palaces in Münsterland certified with "Travelling for All".
More comfort, quality, service and safety: Eight castles and palaces in Münsterland have been certified with "Travelling for All" and are a big step closer to the goal of accessibility. Learn more
A visit to liba in Münster
Press release
Ideas competition for pupils seeks the best start-up ideas
The joint project Gründergeist #Youngstarts Münsterland is calling for an ideas competition. Applications are possible until 4 September. Learn more