Presse Münsterland e.V. | Announcements, enquiries, texts and images
The Münsterland e.V. press office is the contact for journalists.
© Münsterland e.V./Fabian Riediger

Press section of Münsterland e.V

Do you have any questions about the Münsterland e.V. press releases? Are you missing important information for your article on the region's top achievements? Do you need a picture of the most beautiful rose garden in Münsterland or a tip for an exciting company portrait?

The Münsterland e.V. press office will be happy to help. We offer journalists, editors and, of course, press offices in the Münsterland region picture material and text modules about the region. We would be happy to support or advise you in your work - just give us a call or send us an email at

Your contact persons

Mareike Meiring
© Münsterland e.V./Anja Tiwisina
Mareike Meiring
Press and public relations

0049 2571 94 93 34

Christoph Schwartländer
© Münsterland e.V./Anja Tiwisina
Caroline Bartmann
© Münsterland e.V./Anja Tiwisina
Caroline Bartmann
Press and public relations

Office days: vary
Eva Stannigel
© Münsterland e.V./Anja Tiwisina
Eva Stannigel
Press and public relations

Current press releases of Münsterland e.V.

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Janina Weiper-Rösmann manages the family business Weiper Friseure in Havixbeck.
Press release
Things don't always stay in the family: Youngstarts podcast presents two new follow-up stories
Matthias Schneider came from the outside, Janina Weiper-Rösmann succeeded him in the family business: They report on their path to the top of a company in the new podcast episodes of the joint project Gründergeist #Youngstarts Münsterland. Learn more
The fashionable picnic blanket from Münsterland
Press release
Picnic blanket as a sustainable fashion accessory: Münsterland e.V., Schule für Modemacher Münster and Münsterland textile company cooperate
The picnic blanket as a fashion accessory is designed by students of the Schule für Modemacher Münster with Münsterland e.V. as a cooperation partner. The fabrics come from textile companies in Münsterland. Learn more
Die Franz Ziel GmbH aus Billerbeck hat Isolatorlinien zur Abfüllung von Impfstoffen an namhafte Pharmazeuten in Europa und weltweit geliefert.
Press release
Münsterland company in action against Corona
Many Münsterland companies, universities and networks demonstrated drive and innovative spirit during the Corona pandemic and thus supported the region and the state in overcoming the crisis. The joint project Enabling Networks Münsterland has collected impressive examples. Learn more
Getting to know each other over food and wine: Viola Riedhammer (l.) and Stefanie Weide enjoyed the first part of the welcome event at the Geelink bakery in Vreden.
Press release
20 newcomers make contacts at enjoyment evening in Vreden
Around 20 newcomers made contacts at a welcome event in Vreden on Friday evening and discovered the art, culture and culinary delights of the Münsterland. The Onboarding@Münsterland service of Münsterland e.V. had invited them. Learn more
Closing of the Münsterland Festival part 11 at Burg Vischering
Press release
Münsterland Festival part 11 celebrates finale
Since 8 October, the Münsterland Festival part 11 has hosted around 40 events at beautiful and exciting locations in the region. With the jazz stars of Shake Stew, two concerts and almost 300 visitors, it celebrated its finale at Burg Vischering in Lüdinghausen. Learn more
More than 100 interested people followed the livestream digitally.
Press release
More than 100 interested parties at the digital themed talk on business succession
Exciting topics were discussed at the digital themed talk "A Round of Succession" of the joint project Gründergeist #Youngstarts Münsterland. Around 100 interested people took part. Learn more
Treffen aller Denkfabrik-Teilnehmer
Press release
Think tank members network
Around 35 representatives from business, science and networks in Münsterland now met at the Enabling Networks Münsterland think tank convention. They networked and initiated new ideas. Learn more
Agile working culture at the Kulturakademie Münsterland
Press release
Flexible collaboration in the cultural sector: tips and ideas at the Kulturakademie in Bocholt
At the Münsterland Cultural Academy on 1 November 2021, the Münsterland Cultural Office will provide tips and ideas for new working cultures and flexible structures of cooperation. Learn more
In the 5-star bakery Geelink of the married couple Wilhelm and Marita Geelink, the participants immerse themselves in the art of baking and confectionery as well as in the world of wines.
Press release
Welcome event for newcomers on 5 November in Vreden
Arrived at your job, found a flat, but still haven't met enough people? That can be changed: At the welcome event for newcomers on 5 November (Friday) in Vreden. Learn more
Removing barriers for all
Press release
Doors open, drawbridges down - Münsterland becomes barrier-free(er)
The castles and palaces in Münsterland want more accessibility for their visitors. Münsterland e.V. has published a guide that provides tips, assistance and best-practice examples for the castles and other leisure facilities. Learn more