Presse Münsterland e.V. | Announcements, enquiries, texts and images
The Münsterland e.V. press office is the contact for journalists.
© Münsterland e.V./Fabian Riediger

Press section of Münsterland e.V

Do you have any questions about the Münsterland e.V. press releases? Are you missing important information for your article on the region's top achievements? Do you need a picture of the most beautiful rose garden in Münsterland or a tip for an exciting company portrait?

The Münsterland e.V. press office will be happy to help. We offer journalists, editors and, of course, press offices in the Münsterland region picture material and text modules about the region. We would be happy to support or advise you in your work - just give us a call or send us an email at

Your contact persons

Mareike Meiring
© Münsterland e.V./Anja Tiwisina
Mareike Meiring
Press and public relations

0049 2571 94 93 34

Christoph Schwartländer
© Münsterland e.V./Anja Tiwisina
Caroline Bartmann
© Münsterland e.V./Anja Tiwisina
Caroline Bartmann
Press and public relations

Office days: vary
Eva Stannigel
© Münsterland e.V./Anja Tiwisina
Eva Stannigel
Press and public relations

Current press releases of Münsterland e.V.

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Press release
Your MünsterLand Moment" campaign launched
With the campaign "Dein MünsterLand Moment #dasguteleben", Münsterland e.V., Münster Marketing and the Initiative Starke Innenstadt Münster are working together to promote Münsterland. Learn more
Press release
First meeting of the "Digital Münsterland" think tank
The think tank "Digitales Münsterland" within the Enabling Networks Münsterland project is developing joint strategies for the use of artificial intelligence. Now it came together for its first meeting. Learn more
The Think Tank "The Road to Networked Production
Press release
Think tank "The road to networked production
The think tank "The Road to Networked Production" of the Enabling Networks Münsterland project is looking for flexible solutions for SMEs Learn more
Empty spectator terraces
Press release
Statement of the Münsterland Cultural Council
In an open letter, the Kulturrat Münsterland comments on the current situation of the arts and culture scene in Münsterland. Learn more
Press release
Youth study in three regions
The Münsterland, OstWestfalenLippe and Südwestfalen regions have jointly commissioned a youth study in which almost 800 young people have their say. Learn more
Press release
Kick-off of the think tank "Towards the Circular Economy
Growing mountains of waste, more and more greenhouse gases, plus increasing resource consumption: the think tank "On the Way to a Circular Economy" is concerned with these problems in Münsterland. Learn more
Group photo of the participants
Press release
First meeting of the "Environmentally Neutral Materials of the Future" think tank
The think tank "Environmentally Neutral Materials of the Future" met for the first time today to discuss the sustainable use of plastics. The joint project Enabling Networks Münsterland had invited members from business, research and networks. Learn more
Press release
Online seminar on reconciling family and career
Take over a company - and still have time for your family? An online seminar on 29 June at 6 p.m. offered by the joint project Gründergeist #Youngstarts Münsterland will focus on how this is possible. Learn more
Press release
Kein concert raises 4500 euros for art and culture
The Münsterland Festival sold more than 300 tickets with the fundraising campaign "Kein-Konzert der Superlative" and thus raised about 4500 euros. Now the recipients of these proceeds have been determined. Learn more
Press release
Picnic, music and culinary delights in Billerbeck
A picnic in the open air, with live music and against a special backdrop: The town of Billerbeck, with the support of Münsterland e.V., invites you to this on 21 June (Sunday) - naturally in compliance with the Corona regulations. Learn more