Presse Münsterland e.V. | Announcements, enquiries, texts and images
The Münsterland e.V. press office is the contact for journalists.
© Münsterland e.V./Fabian Riediger

Press section of Münsterland e.V

Do you have any questions about the Münsterland e.V. press releases? Are you missing important information for your article on the region's top achievements? Do you need a picture of the most beautiful rose garden in Münsterland or a tip for an exciting company portrait?

The Münsterland e.V. press office will be happy to help. We offer journalists, editors and, of course, press offices in the Münsterland region picture material and text modules about the region. We would be happy to support or advise you in your work - just give us a call or send us an email at

Your contact persons

Mareike Meiring
© Münsterland e.V./Anja Tiwisina
Mareike Meiring
Press and public relations

0049 2571 94 93 34

Christoph Schwartländer
© Münsterland e.V./Anja Tiwisina
Caroline Bartmann
© Münsterland e.V./Anja Tiwisina
Caroline Bartmann
Press and public relations

Office days: vary
Eva Stannigel
© Münsterland e.V./Anja Tiwisina
Eva Stannigel
Press and public relations

Current press releases of Münsterland e.V.

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The Apocalypse Container
Press release
Container Tour Apocalypse
From 23 August, 28 cultural objects will go on tour in a container. Not behind glass, but as a digital staging. Visitors could put on VR glasses and immerse themselves in the digital world of the exhibits. Learn more
The Münsterland Festival part 10
Press release
Advance booking for Münsterland Festival started
This time everything revolves around the number 10: The Münsterland Festival part 10 celebrates its tenth edition from 10 October to 10 November. Tickets for all events are now available at the known advance booking offices. Learn more
Culture in 3D: Apocalypse Container Tour
Press release
Culture in 3D on tour
VR glasses on! Culture in 3D is going on a container tour through Münsterland. The mobile exhibition of the "Apocalypse Münsterland" project is on the road from 23 August and presents 28 cultural assets in digital form. Learn more
Kick-off Palaces and Castles Region Münsterland
Press release
10 million for castles and palaces
Kick-off for the project "Palaces and Castles Region Münsterland". On 19 July 2019, the funding decision was handed over at Burg Vischering. With a total volume of 10 million euros, it is one of the largest tourism projects that the region has ever initiated together. Learn more
Woodcuts like this one by Camiel Andriessen can be seen in the Kolvenburg from 28 July.
Press release
Münsterland Festival presents exhibition in the Kolvenburg
It is an artistic dialogue between father and son that is reflected in the new exhibition at the Kolvenburg in Billerbeck: From 28 July, graphics by father Cees Andriessen and his son Camiel will be on display there. The exhibition is a harbinger of the Münsterland Festival part 10. Learn more
Münsterland Festival 2017
Press release
Application Regional Cultural Policy
Apply now for funding for cultural projects: The application deadline for the state's Regional Cultural Policy funding programme is 30 September. Advice is available from the Münsterland Cultural Office. Learn more
Press release
It is an important step in the branding process as well as on the way to a strong and networked region: On 3 July, Münsterland e.V. presented the new image with which Münsterland wants to present itself together in the future during its general meeting. Learn more
The Münsterland offers around 3000 kilometres of hiking trails.
Press release
New map for hiking tours
In Münsterland, unforgettable tours can be experienced on around 3,000 kilometres of hiking trails. In anticipation of the summer, Münsterland e.V. has now published a new overview map on hiking. Learn more
Many entrepreneurs from the Münsterland region were also involved in the development of innovative products with the support of iPro-N, for example (from left) Stefan Hagedorn (Hagedorn Software Engineering GmbH, Warendorf), Johannes Gellenbeck (Tischlerei Gellenbeck, Heek) and Jan Schuboth ( GmbH, Gronau). The 3D printing process was demonstrated in front of them at the table.
Press release
Crossing borders with iPro-N
The iPro-N project intensifies German-Dutch cooperation in the manufacturing sector and promotes the development of intelligent products and processes. This has resulted in numerous exciting innovations. Learn more
Pictures like this one, entitled "Reflection", can be seen in Mateusz Szczypiński's exhibition at the Burg Vischering Museum from 30 June.
Press release
Münsterland Festival part 10: Exhibition opening
The Münsterland Festival transcends borders - and unites ten partner countries from Europe in one event series for its tenth edition under the motto "10 from Europe". A foretaste of the festival month is already available from 30 June at Burg Vischering in Lüdinghausen. Learn more