Münsterland image database | Presse Münsterland e.V.
Bilddatenbank des Münsterland e.V.
© Münsterland e.V.

Expressive photos from the region: New image database of Münsterland e.V. provides extensive image material

Legally compliant use of more than 900 images possible

As we all know, pictures say more than a thousand words. Nevertheless, the selection, creation and legally compliant use of photos is often a challenge for press offices, institutions and municipalities. The new image database of Münsterland e.V. offers relief for all those who are looking for beautiful and high-quality image material of the Münsterland: more than 900 photos have already been fed in and are available at www.muensterland.com/bilddatenbank for a wide range of uses - from castles and palaces to landscapes and town centres to detailed shots from spring, summer, autumn and winter.

"The special thing about the database is that a very large mass of images is made available in open data format for legally compliant use," explains Robert Denzer, responsible for digitisation at Münsterland e.V. "The photos are provided with so-called CC licences: The authors thus give other people the opportunity to use their own works free of charge without explicit permission by mentioning their name."

So everyone can use the pictures - especially actors from press and public relations, marketing, media representatives, institutions, municipalities, companies, accommodation establishments, leisure facilities or even private people. "The purposes are manifold: illustrating a newspaper article, designing advertisements, printing them in your own annual report or including them on your company website, pulling them onto canvas and giving them as gifts to Münsterland fans in the family. All this is possible," says Robert Denzer.

The image database was financed and implemented by the ERDF funding project "Palaces and Castles Region Münsterland", in which Münsterland e.V., together with the four districts and the city of Münster, significantly strengthened the region's tourism profile and identity. The castles and palaces in the Münsterland are therefore a focal point in the selection of motifs. In the future, the image database will be filled with additional images.

Using the image database is easy: via the website www.muensterland.com/bilddatenbank, interested parties can access the so-called Mediahub. There they can search for, find and filter motifs using a text search, keywords and categories. The result selection shows all the important information about the image motif and the photographer; in addition, similar images can be retrieved here. The selected motifs can be downloaded directly in three different sizes, collected in a shopping basket before downloading or sent via a link for sharing. A list of favourites can also be used to pre-sort images. Image descriptions or titles are also available in English.

"Open Data is the future. Beautiful images of the Münsterland in high aesthetic quality help us to strengthen the visual perception of the core themes of our region and to significantly advance branding," concludes Robert Denzer.


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The following images may be used for media coverage in connection with this press release. If you need it for other purposes, please contact presse@muensterland.com.

Your contact persons

Christoph Schwartländer
© Münsterland e.V./Anja Tiwisina
Robert Denzer
© Münsterland e.V./Anja Tiwisina
Robert Denzer
Social Media & Co.
Open Data

0049 2571 94 93 14

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