Eiskalt kennengelernt und doch warm geworden: 20 Neulinge knüpfen bei Willkommensevent in Altenberge Kontakte zu Gleichgesinnten
Führung durch die Eiskeller in Altenberge
© Münsterland e.V./Philipp Fölting

Met ice-cold and yet warmed up: 20 newcomers make contacts with like-minded people at the welcome event in Altenberge

At the welcome event for newcomers on Wednesday evening, the Onboarding@Münsterland service of Münsterland e.V. invited people to a guided tour through the ice cellars of Altenberge. In the over 150-year-old underground vaults, around 20 new Münsterlanders got to know each other and exchanged their first experiences in Münsterland. Münsterland e.V. creates a special welcoming culture in the region with these regular events.

"We want to welcome people who move to our region at our welcome events in Münsterland and offer them the opportunity to network with other newcomers," says Eva Kleingräber, project manager of the Onboarding@Münsterland service at Münsterland e.V.. There is a lot for newcomers to discover in the region. "That's why we always invite them to exciting places throughout Münsterland at the get-to-know-you events," says Kleingräber.

In the historic ice cellar, the newcomers went several metres underground. The place where the winter cold was once stored all year round is still pleasantly cool today. The path leads down three floors into a huge room that looks like a nave. The characteristic red bricks from which both the walls and the vault were built are striking. Back at the top, the Neu-Münsterlanders ended the evening in a cosy atmosphere at Café Sculptura on the market square in Altenberge.

"It was a very nice evening," said Abdulrahman Zakarya, who has been working at Stadtwerke Münster for just under two months. "Our HR department invited me to the welcome event and I was very happy to meet so many nice people here." The 25-year-old electrician moved from Syria to Münsterland because of the good job prospects. "I talked to the other newcomers about cycling and the topic of e-mobility and we exchanged our experiences from our everyday working lives ", reported Zakarya.

Further information on the Onboarding@Münsterland service

The Onboarding@Münsterland service is a regional initiative of employers and economic actors in the Münsterland region and is implemented by Münsterland e.V. with the support of numerous institutions in the Münsterland region. The service is aimed at (new) skilled workers as well as employers. Skilled workers are supported in arriving and settling in Münsterland, employers in the region in recruiting skilled workers.

Further information at www.muensterland.com/onboarding

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Your contact persons

Eva Kleingräber
© Münsterland e.V./Anja Tiwisina
Eva Kleingräber
Service Onboarding@Münsterland

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