Expo Real | Münsterland e.V. | Economic Development
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© Münsterland e.V./Fabian Riediger

Region presents new Münsterland brand at Expo Real

Münsterland e.V. joins forces with representatives of business development agencies, districts and municipalities at Expo Real to attract investors and companies to the region.

MUNICH/MÜNSTERLAND. Münsterland is full of quality of life thanks to the good connection between town and country, the successful family businesses and the many green spaces. This is also evidenced by the population figures in the region, which have been rising continuously since 2000. In the competition between regions, it is therefore important to become visible and to present one's own strengths. Since yesterday, Münsterland e.V., under the auspices of the Münster Economic Development Agency, has therefore been wooing investors and companies at the MÜNSTER|LAND stand at the Expo Real real estate fair in Munich.

Klaus Ehling, Chairman of Münsterland e.V., emphasised how important it is that the potential of Münsterland is not only visible in the region but also beyond. Expo Real, as Europe's largest B2B trade fair for real estate and investment with over 40,000 participants, offers the ideal setting for this. "Here we can fill the Münsterland brand with life and strengthen the perception of the Münsterland. This is essential in the competition between regions to attract people to Münsterland and encourage them to arrive, feel good and stay."

Mobility is one of the key topics at the Münsterland stand, along with the presentation of the new image of the Münsterland under the claim THE GOOD LIFE. Because this is where the region faces challenges: The roads are getting more and more crowded, in rural areas public transport is declining. This was precisely the topic of the regional talk on "Mobile Münsterland" on the first Expo Real day.

"People enjoy the fresh air, the many green spaces and the ample space in Münsterland. However, more than 80 percent of Münsterlanders move around by car. The Reallabor Mobiles Münsterland wants to change that," said Klaus Ehling, board member of Münsterland e.V. "The aim of the Reallabor is to achieve a regional dialogue on future-oriented mobility offers and to implement them. Because we can only maintain THE GOOD LIFE in the region if we create offers in the mobility sector that everyone can use - whether they have a driving licence or not."

Robin Denstorff, Head of the Department for Planning, Construction and Economy of the City of Münster, spoke about new concepts to deal with the daily commute in the city, for example with bicycle routes as well as faster bus lines. Dr. Jürgen Grüner, Managing Director of wfc Wirtschaftsförderung Kreis Coesfeld GmbH, emphasised the importance of efficient transport systems to attract future employees to rural areas and keep them here. The District Administrator of Warendorf, Dr. Olaf Gericke, explained his vision of transport development as part of the district development programme WAF2030plus.

Also visiting the stand was Christoph Dammermann, State Secretary of the NRW Ministry of Economics. There he spoke with the representatives from the Münsterland region about, among other things, broadband expansion and digitalisation strategies for businesses.

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Ute Schmidt-Vöcks
© Münsterland e.V./Anja Tiwisina
Mareike Meiring
© Münsterland e.V./Anja Tiwisina
Mareike Meiring
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