FSJ Culture | Cultural Office | Presse Münsterland e.V.
Exchange with cultural professionals
© Münsterland e.V./Philipp Fölting
Press Release

School over? Off to culture: Voluntary social year at the Münsterland e.V. cultural office

Supporting the music festival, networking artists and realising your own projects: From September, young adults up to the age of 27 will once again have the opportunity to complete a Voluntary Social Year (FSJ) at the Münsterland e.V. cultural office. Exciting insights into the world of work and culture and a monthly allowance await. Applications can be submitted until 15 March, information and details on how to apply can be found at www.muensterland.com/fsj-kultur.

"A highlight for the FSJ volunteers are the various dates in the region, where they not only get to know many artists and cultural institutions, but often also discover the Münsterland in a completely new way," says Laura Säumenicht, employee at the Münsterland e.V. cultural office.

Samuel Chodura, who has been completing his FSJ at the cultural office since September 2023, describes the cultural office as a useful station between his Abitur and his studies: "It gives me an ideal first insight into everyday working life and has already inspired me in my choice of studies." Further testimonials from former FSJ volunteers can be found on the Kulturbüro website.

In addition to networking cultural stakeholders and coordinating the RKP - Regional Culture Programme NRW funding programme, the Cultural Office's tasks include advising and training artists and cultural professionals. The FSJ offers the opportunity to support the organisation of events, whether Münsterland Festivals, cultural academies or exchanges with artists. The future FSJ volunteer will also be involved in public relations work, for example maintaining the website or social media channels.

"We are the right place for anyone who is interested in cultural management and doesn't want to limit themselves to the theatre, literature house or museum. The FSJ offers the opportunity to get to know the entire spectrum of culture in the Münsterland region," emphasises Säumenicht. "Based on their strengths and interests, we also support our new team member with their own project. This could be a podcast or a themed workshop, for example. The possibilities are just as varied as the local cultural landscape."

The FSJ lasts around one year and starts on 16 September. Interested parties can apply until 15 March at www.freiwilligendienste-kultur-bildung.de


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Your contact persons

Laura Säumenicht
© Münsterland e.V./Anja Tiwisina
Mareike Meiring
© Münsterland e.V./Anja Tiwisina
Mareike Meiring
Press and public relations

0049 2571 94 93 34

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