Presse Münsterland e.V. | Castles in Münsterland | Categories
Aerial view of the castle with marker
© Tourismus NRW e.V.
Press release

From yellow for the highlights to blue for the private: New categories for the region's castles and palaces

Yellow, orange, green and blue - so that guests and locals don't lose track of the 100 or so castles, stately homes, manor houses, monasteries and aristocratic residences in Münsterland, there is now a new colour system. In the newly published brochure "100 Castles Route", a new clearly laid out map of castles and online at, the four colours provide orientation and show how the estates can be experienced.

Yellow castles - "the highlights" - are the cultural beacons of the Münsterland castles and palaces region. They stand for visitor-friendly opening hours, a wide range of cultural activities and adjacent gastronomy. This makes them the perfect starting or ending point for a tour of castles. Orange castles - "the ones worth seeing" - offer a variety of events and are open at certain times. They are the perfect starting point for those interested in culture. Green are "the ones close to nature", which are characterised by their beautiful location: Spacious parks or adjacent nature reserves offer real holiday and relaxation moments for people who love nature. Blue estates - "the private ones" - are often still inhabited and not accessible. But they enrich a cycling or riding tour all the more at the wayside and can be viewed from a distance.

"This system improves and facilitates the so-called 'customer journey'," says Michael Kösters, General Manager and Head of Tourism at Münsterland e.V. "Because it is a long way from the inspiration and the thought of a trip to the visit and the memory of the holiday. We have to accompany the guests on this path. Until now, there have only been imprecise and inconsistent categories for the many castles and palaces in Münsterland and also too little information, especially about the private houses. We are closing this gap with the new system and providing orientation. Because the density of historic properties in our region is something special and should also be marketed and experienced as such."

The system was developed as part of the ERDF funding project "Palaces and Castles Region Münsterland". Together with the four districts and the city of Münster, Münsterland e.V. approached all the houses and asked them about their equipment. Project manager Kerstin Clev gives examples: "Important questions were: What are the opening hours, which areas of the castle are open, which events, exhibitions or workshops are offered? The topic of mobility is also central: How do I reach a castle, are there bicycle and car parking spaces, seating and barrier-free access? And almost the most important thing: is there a restaurant nearby or a picnic area?" Afterwards, the feedback was systematically recorded, a catalogue of criteria for the four colours was developed and the houses were classified accordingly.

"Now visitors know that a castle in the yellow category offers an all-round package, those interested in culture should take a look at the events programme of the orange castles and nature lovers can enjoy the parks and gardens of the green castles. This orientation is particularly important for cyclists on the 100 Castles Route," says Clev.

The new system is not only to be found in brochures and on the Münsterland e.V. website, but in the course of the year also on information boards at the castles and palaces themselves. Clev: "The aim is to set up an information offer for each property."

The "100 Castles Route" brochure and the castles map can now be ordered free of charge from Münsterland e.V. by telephone (02571 949392) or by e-mail ( In addition, they are also available for download or can be ordered online there.

The ERDF funding project "Palaces and Castles Region Münsterland" was initiated by Münsterland e.V. and the four districts as well as the City of Münster as part of the Regionale 2016.

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Kerstin Clev
© Münsterland e.V./Anja Tiwisina
Kerstin Clev
Tourism marketing
Cycling region
Project "Palaces and Castles Region
Project "Quality Management

0049 2571 94 93 07

Eva Stannigel
© Münsterland e.V./Anja Tiwisina
Eva Stannigel
Press and public relations

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