Welcome Event | Vreden | Onboarding | Presse Münsterland e.V.
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© Münsterland e.V./Fabian Riediger

Pleasure moments with bread, wine and picnic concert: Welcome event for newcomers on 5 November in Vreden

Arrived at your job, found a flat, but still haven't met enough people? That can be changed: At the welcome event for newcomers on 5 November (Friday) in Vreden. The Onboarding@Münsterland service of Münsterland e.V. invites you to an evening of enjoyment at the Geelink bakery in Vreden followed by a visit to the Münsterland Festival at the kult. The event is aimed at all those who have not lived in Münsterland for long and would like to make new contacts.

The event starts at 5 pm at the 5-star Geelink bakery. Participants will immerse themselves in the art of baking and confectionery as well as in the world of wine. This will be accompanied by savoury and sweet specialities from the bakery as well as exquisite wines from Austria's oldest winery, the Klosterneuburg Abbey. Marita Geelink, an accredited wine consultant and sommelière, will lead the evening.

Afterwards, the group will continue to the AV picnic concert at the kult, which starts at 8 pm. At the Münsterland Festival event, Sven Stratmann's video projections meet the music of the Austrian band ELIS NOA. A small picnic snack is also planned. A nice setting to make contacts and get to know the Münsterland and its culture.

The welcome event starts at 5 pm at the Geelink Bakery (Freiheit 5, 48691 Vreden). Admission is free, but registration at www.muensterland.com/willkommensevents is required. It pays to be quick, the number of participants is limited.

Further information on the Onboarding@Münsterland service

The Onboarding@Münsterland service is a regional initiative of employers and economic players in the Münsterland region and is implemented by Münsterland e.V. with the support of numerous institutions in the Münsterland region. The service is aimed at (new) skilled workers as well as employers. Skilled workers are supported in arriving and settling in Münsterland, employers in the region in recruiting skilled workers. Further information at www.onboarding-muensterland.com.

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Your contact persons

Eva Kleingräber
© Münsterland e.V./Anja Tiwisina
Eva Kleingräber
Service Onboarding@Münsterland
Mareike Meiring
© Münsterland e.V./Anja Tiwisina
Mareike Meiring
Press and public relations

0049 2571 94 93 34

Press section of Münsterland e.V. Press section of Münsterland e.V.
© Münsterland e.V./Arne Pöhnert
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