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© Münsterland e.V./Fabian Riediger

Getting from A to B better: Reallabor Mobiles Münsterland" project tests new mobility concepts

Mobility map "Mobiles Münsterland" shows possibilities in the region

Parents who have to play taxi for their children in the countryside, tourists who travel to Münsterland without their own car and then can't get anywhere locally, commuters who are stuck in traffic jams every morning in their own cars - mobility is not only an issue in Münsterland. At, interested citizens can now use a mobility map to find out what will happen in Münsterland in terms of mobility in the future and contribute their ideas. Explanatory videos show the current state and plans for the future.

And there are quite a few: since the official launch of the regional project "Reallabor Mobiles Münsterland" in the course of the Münsterland Conference on 5 March 2018, there are more and more good project ideas in the region. Against the backdrop of increased commuter numbers, new climate protection targets, demographic change or a more flexible working world, districts, cities and municipalities are setting out to make their citizens mobile.

As a project partner of the Reallabor, Münsterland e.V. now summarises these ideas in the map Mobiles Münsterland (Mobile Münsterland), explains the projects, makes the topic of mobility in everyday life clear with explanatory videos and provides possible solutions for future mobility. Project profiles of already existing projects will gradually fill the map so that in future it will show all possible means of transport and their possible integration into a comprehensive mobility concept. The Innovation Centre for Mobility and Social Change (InnoZ) from Berlin provided support in the development of the Mobiles Münsterland map.

"The municipalities and cities of Münsterland are trying out and optimising various innovative approaches to alternative mobility in rural areas as a 'real laboratory'," Ute Schmidt-Vöcks from Münsterland e.V. explains the project. "Learning from each other, but also being allowed to fail, is the motto of the reallaboratory. After all, what good are the best offers if no one uses them?"

"Mobility is a current and important social topic, because in the end it is about the question of how we want to live in the future. Every region has to do something about this," says Gerrit Tranel from the Zweckverband SPNV Münsterland (ZVM), emphasising the necessity of implementing the Reallabor Mobiles Münsterland. "Through the map, we are taking a first step, bringing together the offers and involving all 66 municipalities in Münsterland as well as the citizens. Everyone can see there where we are, what is available and where they can get involved if necessary."

The mobility map was used for the first time on 29 March in the Münster district government at the "Market of the Regions". The project team around the Zweckverband SPNV Münsterland (ZVM), Münsterland e.V. and the EnergyAgency.NRW demonstrated the functions of the map with an info point and touch screen interface. In the future, the info point will tour the region and publicise the mobility map.

Further information on the project

The concept of the regional project "Reallabor Mobiles Münsterland" was endorsed by NRW Transport Minister Hendrik Wüst at the Münsterland Conference a good year ago, and the Münsterland was described as a suitable model region for mobility in rural areas. At the end of last year, the state of North Rhine-Westphalia already approved 334,000 euros, which were used to set up a coordination office at the Zweckverband SPNV Münsterland. The project partners of the Mobiles Münsterland real laboratory are Münsterland e.V., Zukunftsnetz Mobilität NRW and EnergieAgentur.NRW.

Further information

Ute Schmidt-Vöcks
© Münsterland e.V./Anja Tiwisina
Alina Klanke
ZVM Zweckverband SPNV Münsterland
Press section of Münsterland e.V. Press section of Münsterland e.V.
© Münsterland e.V./Arne Pöhnert
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