Press Münsterland e.V. | Happiness Atlas 2022 | Münsterland
Happiness Atlas 2022
© Münsterland e.V./Philipp Fölting
Press release

Happiness Atlas 2022 proves it: The happiest people live in Münsterland

"We didn't invent happiness, but it has been with us for a very long time," says Klaus Ehling, board member of the regional management organisation Münsterland e.V. This is now also available in black and white - as the current Happiness Atlas of Germany shows, published by the Research Centre for Intergenerational Contracts at the Albert Ludwig University in Freiburg with the support of SKL (Süddeutsche Klassenlotterie). Of all the regions in Germany, the people in Münsterland are the happiest. With a value of 7.44 on a scale of 0 to 10 points, the region has reached a top value. In Germany as a whole, life satisfaction is currently 6.86 points, before the Corona pandemic it was 7.14.

"The result of the 'Happiness Atlas' is one of the nicest compliments that the people of Münsterland can pay to their region. It shows that people feel comfortable and at home here - and that is often the most important thing, especially in times of crisis," says Klaus Ehling, board member of the regional management organisation Münsterland e.V. Happiness cannot be attributed to one or two reasons, but is the result of a combination: "Happiness always involves several things, as research has shown. In Münsterland we have a very good combination of a high recreational and leisure value and a strong medium-sized economy - both offer people security and a lot of freedom for a self-determined life, both in the city and in the country. And it strengthens resilience, i.e. the ability to withstand crises and problems. This is also what the Münsterland brand stands for, which with its claim 'THE GOOD LIFE.' highlights the strengths of the region and focuses in particular on the Münsterlanders' way of life in the city and in the countryside."

Prof. Dr. Bernd Raffelhüschen, scientific director of the SKL Happiness Atlas, also mentions other factors: "The Münsterland region combines a number of factors that are very positive for life satisfaction: it has a young population - for example, the proportion of 18 to 24-year-olds here is 8.1 per cent, compared to 7.4 per cent in Germany as a whole. The Münsterlanders have a high standard of living and a high home ownership rate, which is far above the NRW average. Due to the rural structure, social inequality is also low and people can enjoy the benefits of nature. At the same time, however, larger cities are easily accessible with the Ruhr region and the Netherlands is not far away. All these factors contribute to the high life satisfaction of the Münsterlanders."

As a concrete source of happiness, Münsterland offers a high quality of life in green surroundings: "Cycling is a way of life here and also has a health-promoting effect," says Ehling. "We score with wide and cultivated garden and park landscapes and urban centres. More than 4,500 kilometres of cycle paths, picnic areas and cultural sites offer people many opportunities to be outside and in nature - right on their doorstep."

The region can also be seen in the area of economy and work: for years the Münsterland has had the lowest unemployment rate in the whole of North Rhine-Westphalia. And only at the beginning of October the Future Atlas of the renowned economic research institute Prognos had certified the Münsterland as an up-and-coming region of small and medium-sized businesses to be a growth engine for the German economy and to provide stability in times of crisis. "With many strong family businesses, our economic structure offers a stable and secure, yet innovative working environment. Due to our diversity of industries in combination with focal points in promising and sustainable areas, the region is relatively crisis-proof. This symbiosis of tradition and modernity, down-to-earthness and new ideas is also something that people appreciate here."

Another important factor for happiness is mentality, says Ehling. "The community has a high value in Münsterland, tackling, helping and supporting are important. The people of Münsterland like to look after and shape their homeland and get involved with a lot of heart in clubs or at events, in the company or at home. That also makes us happy."

Of course, the measurement is only a guide, since happiness can only be measured to a limited extent. But Ehling is particularly pleased that the results of the Happiness Atlas confirm the claim of the Münsterland brand. Münsterland e.V. had already measured the identification of the locals with their region several times with a representative brand study. "For most of those surveyed, the claim means a way of life, relaxation, recreation and enjoyment, a good place to work, health and work-life balance. And the fact that, according to the brand study, 90 per cent of Münsterlanders think it's a good place to live increases our chances of happiness enormously," says Ehling.

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Klaus Ehling
© Münsterland e.V./Anja Tiwisina
Klaus Ehling
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Division Management Economy and Culture

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Kathrin Strotmann
© Münsterland e.V./Anja Tiwisina
Kathrin Strotmann
Head of Brand Communication
Eva Stannigel
© Münsterland e.V./Anja Tiwisina
Eva Stannigel
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