Presse Münsterland e.V. | Cycling survey | Counting stations
Cycling study Münsterland
© Münsterland e.V./Philipp Fölting
Press release

Every bicycle counts: Region-wide cycling survey launched

Milestone for cycle tourism in Münsterland

It is the largest evaluation of tourist cycling ever carried out in the region: commissioned by Münsterland e.V., 22 counting stations will be used for a whole year from November 2021 and, from early summer 2022, surveys will be carried out throughout the Münsterland to record how many of the cyclists counted are on the 100 Castles Route for tourism. The aim is to have reliable and up-to-date data as a basis for decision-making when it comes to future-proof, target-group-oriented or new offers.

"We have known it for a long time: Münsterland is cycling country. But we don't know how many tourists are really on the 'queen of cycle routes' for day trips or cycle tours. That's why a comprehensive and representative count is long overdue," says Michael Kösters, General Manager and Head of Tourism at Münsterland e.V., summarising the initial situation. "The 100 Castles Route is ideal as a reference, as it runs for more than 1,100 kilometres through all Münsterland districts and the city of Münster. Numerous other themed routes in the region run partly for many kilometres on this premium route."

To measure the volume of cycling traffic on the 100 Castles Route, 20 automated, mobile cycle counting stations have been in operation since November 2021 for a period of one year. They will be supplemented by two existing permanent counting stations. "The distribution of the counting stations is based on the average stage lengths on the 100 Castles Route of 50 to 60 kilometres covered by cyclists," explains Hans-Joachim Gerdemann, project manager for quality in the cycling region at Münsterland e.V. "The location of the counting stations in relation to the castles and palaces with the highest number of visitors and to busy stretches of road between the castles was also a decisive factor in the placement of the counting stations."

In addition to the census, from early summer 2022 there will also be a personal, qualitative survey of cyclists along the route. This will make it possible to differentiate between tourist and everyday cycling. Michael Kösters gives an outlook on the further questions: "We record how and with whom people arrived and departed, what expectations they had, how satisfied they are with the signposting, what they spent money on and much more. From the results, we can derive recommendations for action not only for us, but also for the entire value chain along the route. This can range from investments in infrastructure to local culinary offerings. With the data, we can also make further statements about the economic significance of cycle tourism in Münsterland."

The survey will also enable comparisons with other regions: "The survey design is based on questions that are common throughout Germany and will enable comparisons with other long-distance cycle routes or cycle regions," explains Hans-Joachim Gerdemann.

From February onwards, cyclists will also be able to take part in the qualitative survey via an online questionnaire. "Anyone who has cycled the 100 Castles Route in the last six months or year can take part," says Gerdemann. "Guests will also be made aware of the survey at important contact points along the route, for example castles and palaces, tourist information offices or guest establishments."

Münsterland e.V. expects the results of the survey in winter 2022.

The cycling survey is financed as part of the ERDF funding project "Palaces and Castles Region Münsterland", which was initiated by Münsterland e.V. and the four districts as well as the City of Münster as part of Regionale 2016.

More information on cycling in Münsterland is available at

Locations of the counting stations

District of Borken

  • Isselburg (Regniet)
  • Raesfeld (Drögenkamp, south of the junction with Wacholderheide)
  • Velen (Holthausener Straße)
  • Vreden (Berkelseitenweg at the level of St. Felicitas School)

Coesfeld district

- Coesfeld (200 metres south of Haus Loburg)
- Havixbeck (350 metres northwest of Hülshoff Castle)
- Nordkirchen (Zum Bakenbusch /Fasanenallee)
- Senden (service road along the Dortmund-Ems Canal, Stever-Düker)

City of Münster

- Münster (Schlossplatz)
- Münster (Warendorfer Straße)
- Münster-Wolbeck (Berdel)

District of Steinfurt

- Ibbenbüren (side path Ibbenbürener Aa)
- Rheine (railway cycle path, Dwaslandweg)
- Steinfurt-Burgsteinfurt (Nünningsweg)

District of Warendorf

- Beckum (Werse, side path)
- Oelde-Stromberg (420 metres north-east of Oelder Tor)
- Sassenberg-Füchtorf (Harkotten 4, at the level of the Harkotten/Füchtorfer Straße junction)
- Sendenhorst-Albersloh (Werse, side path)
- Telgte-Westbevern (600 metres north-east of Haus Langen)
- Wadersloh-Liesborn (between Herzebrocker Weg and Waldliesborner Straße)
- Warendorf (Emsradweg at the level of "An der Kreuzbrede")

Recklinghausen district

- Haltern am See (100 metres north of the riding facility "Zum Linnert 69")

Exact location coordinates can be requested from Eva Stannigel (, 02571 949304).

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Your contact persons

Kerstin Clev
© Münsterland e.V./Anja Tiwisina
Kerstin Clev
Tourism marketing
Cycling region
Project "Palaces and Castles Region
Project "Quality Management

0049 2571 94 93 07

Hans-Joachim Gerdemann
© Münsterland e.V./Anja Tiwisina
Hans-Joachim Gerdemann
Tour planner
Project "Quality Management

0049 2571 94 93 30

Eva Stannigel
© Münsterland e.V./Anja Tiwisina
Eva Stannigel
Press and public relations

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