Welcome Event Service Onboarding | Presse Münsterland e.V.
Altenberge Ice Cream Cellar
© Gemeinde Altenberge
Press release

Getting to know each other in the cellar vault: Welcome event for Münsterland newcomers on 24 August in Altenberge

Arrived at your job, found a flat, but still haven't met enough people? That can be changed: At the welcome event for newcomers on Wednesday, 24 August, from 6 to 9 pm in Altenberge. The Onboarding@Münsterland service of Münsterland e.V. invites all those who have not lived in Münsterland for long and would like to make contacts with other newcomers to a tour of Altenberge's ice cellars, an underground vault that is over 150 years old. The registration deadline is 19 August.

The event starts at 6 pm with a guided tour. The ice cellar is unique in its multi-storey construction and exudes a special atmosphere. On their way through the cool vaults, the newcomers will learn exciting stories about the former brewery of the Beuing brothers, which had its warehouse in the Eiskeller. After the tour, the participants will have plenty of time to get to know each other over snacks and cool drinks and to talk about their first experiences in Münsterland.

Admission is free, registration is possible until 19 August at www.muensterland.com/willkommensevents. It pays to be quick, the number of participants is limited.

Further information on the Onboarding@Münsterland service

The Onboarding@Münsterland service is a regional initiative of employers and economic players in the Münsterland region and is implemented by Münsterland e.V. with the support of numerous institutions in the Münsterland region. The service is aimed at (new) skilled workers as well as employers. Skilled workers are supported in arriving and settling in Münsterland, employers in the region in recruiting skilled workers.

Further information at www.muensterland.com/onboarding

The following images may be used for media coverage in connection with this press release. If you need it for other purposes, please contact presse@muensterland.com.

Your contact persons

Eva Kleingräber
© Münsterland e.V./Anja Tiwisina
Eva Kleingräber
Service Onboarding@Münsterland

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