Münsterland Journalism Prize | Prize Winner 2020/21
Winner of the Münsterland Journalism Award 2020/21
© Münsterland e.V./Philipp Foelting
Münsterland Journalism Award
The award winners 2020/21

Münsterland Journalism Award 2020/21: The winners

Moving stories, tenaciously researched, originally prepared: Twelve journalists were awarded the Münsterland Journalism Prize 2020/21 (renamed Media Prize in 2022) for their contributions on 24 August 2021. All of them convinced the jury in their own way with their work and thus secured the prize of 2,000 euros each.

In five categories, supplemented by a special prize, the Münsterland e.V., the Pressverein Münster-Münsterland e.V. and the Sparkasse Münsterland Ost as sponsor awarded the prize to the winners. The event took place in a small circle at Gut Havichhorst in Münster, taking into account the currently valid Corona Protection Ordinance.

"The quality of the contributions to the Journalism Prize is shown above all in the fact that they make opinion-forming and networked thinking transparent and promote it, provide important knowledge about contexts, enable an independent classification in a larger context, engage with a topic with all senses and prepare it with the possibilities of modern journalism. This requires an overview, imagination and usually a lot of hard work," says Klaus Richter, deputy chairman of the board of Sparkasse Münsterland Ost.

Klaus Ehling, Chairman of Münsterland e.V., underlined the value of good and critical journalism for the region. "Good journalists inform, classify and uncover. In doing so, they drive Münsterland as a region to think outside the box, face up to critical facts and thus constantly develop further."

Wolfram Linke, Chairman of the Press Association Münster-Münsterland e.V. and at the same time member of the jury, emphasised: "For us as a press association it is important to put the focus on the so important work of regional journalists with this award. By awarding the special prize, we show that we are open to media developments and creative concepts, which have gained enormous importance, especially during the Corona pandemic."

The award winners

Category Society/Politics

Andrea Hansen and Hartmut Vollmari, "Abuse Case Münster - The Role of the Youth Welfare Office", WDR Lokalzeit Münsterland

Andrea Hansen and Hartmut Vollmari have been awarded the Journalism Prize in the category Society/Politics for their critical research entitled "Abuse Case Münster - The Role of the Youth Welfare Office", broadcast on WDR Lokalzeit Münsterland.

Category Creative Representation
  • Lars Berg
    Photo reportage: "Im Geisterhaus"
  • Benedikt Brüggenthies
    "We stay at home - the digital music festival"
  • Michael Schmitz
    "Münster hält zusammen"
    Instagram and Facebook account muenster4life and "Münster above - Corona"
  • Oliver Werner
    "Münster Corona - picture series"
    Westfälische Nachrichten
Kaategorie Culture/Tourism

Jan Hering, Hannah Meloh, Christoph Tiemann and Vasco Tjong-Ayong, "Tiemann testet", WDR Lokalzeit Münsterland

Jan Hering, Hannah Meloh, Christoph Tiemann and Vasco Tjong-Ayong have been awarded the Journalism Prize in the Culture/Tourism category. For seven years, they have been taking a creative and humorous look at the restaurants, kitchens and cooking pots of the region with their series "Tiemann testet" from WDR Lokalzeit Münsterland.

Category Sport

Uwe Gehrmann, Henning Hoheisel and Benedikt Miketta, multimedia series "The True Heart of Football", Die Glocke

The editors Uwe Gehrmann, Henning Hoheisel and Benedikt Miketta of Die Glocke have been awarded for their multimedia series "The True Heart of Football". In it, they portray people who pursue their passion for football on a voluntary basis and with great passion - on or off the pitch.

Category Economy/Science

Stefan Werding, "Stroke Unit" series, Westfälische Nachrichten

Stefan Werding, editor of the Westfälische Nachrichten, has received an award for his reporting on the topic of the "Stroke Unit" in Münster. In it, he reports on the Clemenshospital's attempt to establish an additional stroke unit in Münster.

Special price

Michael Schmitz/Münster 4 Life, "Münster hält zusammen", Instagram and Facebook account muenster4life and short film "Münster above - Corona".

For the second time, the jury of the Münsterland Journalism Prize awarded a special prize. This went to Michael Schmitz and the team from Münster 4 Life for their social media activities during the Corona pandemic around the self-coined slogan "Münster hält zusammen - in jovelen und in schovelen Zeiten".

PROMOTER OF THE AWARD - Sparkasse Münsterland Ost

"An efficient and cosmopolitan region needs good journalism as an important orientation aid - especially in times of rapid social change. Anyone who understands what is happening in their own living environment, for what reason and with what effect, who recognises connections and is open to new perspectives, can work meaningfully and purposefully for a Münsterland worth living in. In this respect, journalistic quality is an important location factor that speaks for the attractiveness of our region.

As sponsors of the Münsterland Journalist Award, we are pleased that outstanding journalistic commitment is not only rewarded with subscription figures, audience ratings and "like" clicks, but also recognised with a special award. Now we are looking for numerous entries that will once again make the award a testimony to journalistic quality."

Markus Schabel
Chairman of the Board
Sparkasse Münsterland Ost

PARTNER OF THE AWARD - Press Association Münster-Münsterland e.V.

The Press Association Münster-Münsterland is the traditional association of around 400 journalists who belong to the German Journalists' Association NRW, trade union for journalists, and usually live or work in Münsterland. The association has been the lobbyist for journalism in the region since 1906.

Members of the press association are freelancers, photographers, media representatives who work in all areas of the media or in press offices in business, public administration, media companies and press offices or who study at universities as young professionals.

Contact details

Wolfram Linke (Chairman)
Office location:
Secretary Hans-Peter Leimbach
c/o Genossenschaftsverband - Verband der Regionen e. V.
Albersloher Weg 9
48155 Münster


Contact persons

Franziska Niemeyer
© Münsterland e.V./Anja Tiwisina
Claudia Graef
© Münsterland e.V./Anja Tiwisina
Claudia Graef
Event management
Image conception

0049 2571 94 93 03

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