Presse Münsterland e.V. | Brand Study 2020 | Brand Münsterland
Town and country in Münsterland
© Münsterland e.V./Christoph Steinweg

Münsterland has a future: New brand study proves solidarity with the region

Münsterland e.V. presents results at its digital general meeting

MUNSTERLAND. Münsterland stands for the good life. This is proven by a brand study that examined the perception of Münsterland within and outside the region. The most interesting results: 96 percent of Münsterlanders think it is a good place to live and 82 percent see their future here. The representative study was conducted by the Interrogare agency in March 2020 on behalf of the regional management organisation Münsterland e.V. Today, the results were presented at the association's digital general meeting.

Klaus Ehling, board member of the association, summarises: "The study clearly shows: Münsterland offers a high quality of life through intact towns and communities in the park landscape of Münsterland. This is where the inhabitants want to stay in the future. This is the most important basis for successful regional development and ultimately also for successful regional marketing. Because with satisfied locals we have the best brand ambassadors for our region."

So far, Ehling continues, there has been no representative study that has looked at the image and brand awareness of the Münsterland as a whole. This time it was different: the study not only asked about tourist factors, but also cultural and economic ones: 82 percent of the locals think that Münsterland is an attractive working region with many good employers. 91 percent appreciate the good mix of city and country life. 80 percent think that Münsterland offers a wide range of cultural activities. And 82 percent think that everyone can live and fulfil themselves according to their own ideas in Münsterland.

"These are high approval ratings for a brand," confirms Christine Gerbracht, project manager at the Interrogare agency, which conducts many brand awareness surveys. "Both the overall rating, as well as the high recommendation rate and the respondents' high intention to visit again show that Münsterland is an attractive region."

A total of 1,444 people from all over Germany were surveyed, 435 of whom resided in Münsterland. The study was conducted as an online survey.

People outside the Münsterland region - if they knew it - also rated the region very highly: for 75 percent, the Münsterland is attractive for tourism, especially for cycling (78 percent), horse riding (69 percent) and picnicking (73 percent). 72 percent agreed with the statement that people feel welcome in Münsterland and 80 percent think that the region offers many opportunities to experience nature.

Thus, the study also provides important input for the branding process currently underway for the Münsterland brand with the claim "THE GOOD LIFE." "We wanted to take a little look into the minds of locals and also people outside of Münsterland in order to target our work more precisely and to know from where we started with the new brand," says Kathrin Strotmann, responsible for brand communication at Münsterland e.V. "Münsterland has the potential to be perceived much more as a strong economic region. We have to work on that. We also take with us for our work that the inhabitants appreciate the mixture of city and countryside in the region and that we want to communicate this more to the outside world in the future as a strength of Münsterland. We have already started this summer with the tourism campaign 'Your MünsterLand Moment'." In addition, the region is already being marketed as an attractive place to work and live for skilled workers with the Onboarding@Münsterland service.

The brand study is a zero-point measurement. In order to be able to further observe the development of the Münsterland brand in the coming years, further measurements are to follow.

In addition to the brand study, Münsterland e.V. also reported on the development of the brand projects Picknick³ and Service Onboarding@Münsterland as well as on current promotional projects such as "Schlösser- und Burgenregion Münsterland", "Gründergeist #Youngstarts Münsterland", "Enabling Networks Münsterland", the Münsterland Festival as well as on the campaign "Dein MünsterLand Moment" (Your MünsterLand Moment), which was implemented together with Münster Marketing and the Strong City Centre Initiative.

Further results of the study can be found at

Your contact persons

Kathrin Strotmann
© Münsterland e.V./Anja Tiwisina
Kathrin Strotmann
Head of Brand Communication
Eva Stannigel
© Münsterland e.V./Anja Tiwisina
Eva Stannigel
Press and public relations

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