Press Release Münsterland e.V. | KOMPASS | Support Programme
Das Förderprogramm Kompass richtet sich an hauptberuflich tätige Solo-Selbstständige.
© Münsterland e.V./Anja Tiwisina
Press release

New funding programme KOMPASS supports solo self-employed workers

Münsterland e.V. is one of 28 contact points nationwide.

Those who are solo self-employed are often left to their own devices. The new funding programme KOMPASS supports solo self-employed people with targeted qualifications to strengthen their business models. "KOMPASS" stands for compact help for solo self-employed people and includes financial support for targeted further training measures. Münsterland e.V. is one of currently 28 active contact points throughout Germany.

The support programme "KOMPASS - Compact Help for Solo Self-Employed" was launched in mid-July. The aim of the innovative programme is to support full-time solo self-employed people through targeted qualifications, to consolidate their business models and to keep them on track overall.

"In times of economic challenges and technological changes, it is important that solo self-employed people position their businesses to be crisis-proof and fit for the future," says Rita Ixmann from Münsterland e.V. "Financially supported further training measures help to impart the necessary knowledge and acquire the required skills. In initial individual counselling sessions, we check whether funding is possible and determine the concrete qualification needs of the solo self-employed. This results in customised support that meets the needs and goals of the solo self-employed and secures their future."

In addition to the further development or safeguarding of the business model, it is about dealing with new workplace technologies as well as the adaptability and future viability of one's own business. Specific expertise and strengthened entrepreneurial skills should enable solo self-employed workers to better meet the challenges of the modern labour market.

"The KOMPASS support programme offers a unique opportunity for full-time solo self-employed people to strengthen their business model and prepare it for the future," says Ixmann. Up to 90 percent of the qualification costs or a maximum of 4,500 euros can be covered. The programme is financed by the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS) with support from the European Social Fund Plus (ESF Plus).

For more information on the COMPASS funding programme and on how to apply and receive advice, please visit or send an email to

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Alexandra Poppenborg
© Münsterland e.V./Anja Tiwisina
Alexandra Poppenborg
Mareike Meiring
© Münsterland e.V./Anja Tiwisina
Mareike Meiring
Press and public relations

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