Press release | E-platform for tourism professionals in Münsterland
New e-platform for tourism professionals in Münsterland.
© Münsterland e.V.

New e-platform for tourism professionals in Münsterland

Münsterland e.V. promotes exchange and networking

MÜNSTERLAND. "TIM - Touristiker im Münsterland" is the name of the new e-platform that will enable tourism stakeholders in the region to inform themselves, network and exchange information. At, in addition to information on projects, trends and further training, there is also a protected area where tourism professionals can network and exchange information on individual topics in groups and forums.

"Regular exchange is often worth its weight in gold," says Michael Kösters, general representative and tourism expert at Münsterland e.V. "Until now, tourism professionals in Münsterland have tended to network on a local level. Now we have arrived in the digital age and can also exchange information better and faster region-wide via TIM."

TIM offers brief descriptions of tourism projects in Münsterland, news, statistics and current trends from the tourism sector as well as dates for further training in the region, newsletters and downloads. Anyone interested in exchanging information in the protected area can register at and then request participation in the various groups and forums.

The platform can be used by all tourism stakeholders in the region: hoteliers, restaurateurs, owners of holiday flats and operators of leisure or cultural facilities. "In addition, suppliers or service providers who want to cultivate or establish cooperation with tourism actors are also addressed. Together with them, new recreational offers or better service are often created," Michael Kösters emphasises.

"TIM" emerged from the funding project "Quality Management in the Münsterland Destination", which increases the quality of service and infrastructure in the Münsterland. This includes exchange platforms and formats, the improvement of bridleways and cycle paths and new digital and innovative processes. The project was funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

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Eva Stannigel
© Münsterland e.V./Anja Tiwisina
Eva Stannigel
Press and public relations
Kerstin Clev
© Münsterland e.V./Anja Tiwisina
Kerstin Clev
Tourism marketing
Cycling region
Project "Palaces and Castles Region
Project "Quality Management

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