Presse Münsterland e.V. | Europaradweg R1 | Leezenexplorer Markus Graf
Leezen explorer Markus Graf on the road on the R1 European cycle route
© Münsterland e.V./Philipp Fölting

On the R1 European Cycle Route from Vreden to Moscow: Leezenexplorer Markus Graf collects donations on a classic cycle route

MÜNSTERLAND. Yesterday he set off! Markus Graf started his 4,500-kilometre bicycle tour in Vreden-Zwillbrock and is travelling as a "Leezenexplorer" to Lithuania in nine weeks - and maybe even to Moscow. He is travelling along the R1 European Cycle Route, a classic among cycling routes. From London via St. Petersburg to Helsinki, the R1 European Cycle Route connects people, nature and culture from ten European countries over more than 5,100 kilometres - a section of this cycle route, also called the Euro Route, runs through North Rhine-Westphalia and also through Münsterland.

"The Europaradweg appealed to me because it connects many very beautiful routes, regions and countries. I like the European community idea, which suits my project," says Graf. He is on the road for a good cause: he is collecting donations for Aktion Lichtblicke e.V. In addition to many sponsors from the region, he is supported by the "Arbeitskreis Europaradweg R1", an association of the municipalities bordering the R1 in North Rhine-Westphalia. The office for the NRW section is located at Münsterland e.V.. Kerstin Clev, project manager for the R1: "We are pleased that Markus Graf has chosen the R1 European Cycle Route, because the 315-kilometre section in NRW is particularly attractive in terms of landscape and culture."

The R1 connects many sights and highlights between Vreden and Höxter: the Zwillbrocker Venn nature reserve with the northernmost colony of free-living flamingos, Hülshoff Castle in Havixbeck as the birthplace of the poet Annette von Droste-Hülshoff, the city of Münster with its cathedral and Prinzipalmarkt and the NRW State Stud Farm in Warendorf. From Münsterland, the R1 leads into the Teutoburg Forest. Here you will be particularly impressed by the Hermann Monument in Detmold, numerous historic villages and town centres with buildings from the Weser Renaissance and the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Corvey Castle in Höxter.

As a practised cyclist who has been on many long tours all over the world, Markus Graf plans to ride first as far as Lithuania, and depending on the Corona location, perhaps even as far as Moscow. Either way - the native of Münsterland likes to sit in the saddle and has taken a little time off especially for the tour. "I want to get to know new landscapes, cultures and people while doing sport. A mental reset and a little adventure, no competition, no stress, just enjoying the journey - these are the motivations for my tour. And as a Münsterlander, I have the Leeze in my blood, of course," says Graf.

Those who want to follow Markus Graf's journey digitally can do so via his blog or on Instagram(@leezenexplorer). Donations are also possible there. Those who feel like exploring a section or even the entire route by bike can find information at or can order the brochure on the R1 European Cycle Route (North Rhine-Westphalia section) free of charge from Münsterland e.V.: 02571/949392,

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Kerstin Clev
© Münsterland e.V./Anja Tiwisina
Kerstin Clev
Tourism marketing
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Eva Stannigel
© Münsterland e.V./Anja Tiwisina
Eva Stannigel
Press and public relations

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