Presse Münsterland e.V. | Picnic Dialogue in Greven
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© Münsterland e.V./Fabian Riediger

Picnic dialogue gets tourism experts in the region in the mood for the Münsterland Picnic Days

MÜNSTERLAND/GREVEN. At the invitation of Münsterland e.V., over 40 tourism professionals from all over the Münsterland came to Greven yesterday morning for a picnic dialogue. The aim: to exchange ideas on the subject of picnics, to develop ideas and to get in the mood for the Münsterland Picnic Days in summer.

"Picnics should become a trademark of the region," said Melanie Schlüters, head of the Picnic³ project at Münsterland e.V. "To make this happen, we want to support the players in Münsterland in organising picnics. For example, with concepts, guides, tips on picnic equipment, marketing and and and."

The highlight this year is the Münsterland Picnic Days. They start on 18 June - International Picnic Day - and run until 21 June, the Münsterland Castles and Palaces Day. The format is designed to get locals, tourists, businesses and guests on the blanket and excited about picnicking - with large and small picnics, indoors and outdoors, at castles, in parks, in unusual places and especially with good and regional treats. At the Picnic Dialogue in Greven, numerous tourism professionals already announced that they would support the format with an event in their town or municipality.

Afterwards, Birgit Rudolph, managing director of "Rheine. Tourism. Veranstaltungen e.V.", and Bernadette Göcke, owner of "Göcke's Haus und Garten", presented their experiences with picnics in practice.

Michael Kösters, general representative and tourism expert at Münsterland e.V.: "There are already some great picnic events in Münsterland that show how it can be done. For example, the Midsummer Night's Dreams at Nordkirchen Castle, the Starry Picnic in Lüdinghausen or the Midsummer Night's Picnic in Horstmar. In future, we want to establish another format with the Münsterland Picnic Days and show what the region has to offer. This will only be a success if as many people as possible take part."

Around noon, Münsterland e.V. invited all guests to a Münsterland snack in the form of a picnic with products from the region. The participants continued to exchange ideas intensively into the afternoon. "The response was so positive that further picnic dialogues are to follow," concluded Melanie Schlüters.

Anyone who is now planning a picnic as part of the Münsterland Picnic Days can get advice and support from Münsterland e.V. Contact:

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© Münsterland e.V./Arne Pöhnert
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