Europaradweg R1 | Survey | Presse Münsterland e.V.
Survey on the R1 European Cycle Route
© Münsterland e.V./Philipp Fölting
Press release

Cycling analysis on the R1 European Cycle Route: First survey at Hülshoff Castle in Havixbeck

Münsterland e.V. interviews cyclists on 10/11 June and 22/23 July

Cycling right across Germany is possible on the R1 European Cycle Route, which runs as D-Route 3 from the Dutch border at Zwillbrock to Küstrin on the border with Poland. To find out how satisfied they are with the cycling experience and the quality of the long-distance cycle route, cyclists will be surveyed at a total of six locations along the D-Route 3 from June to August - the survey location in Münsterland is at Hülshoff Castle in Havixbeck. The first surveys will take place there on 10 and 11 June from 8 am to 6 pm.

Count, survey, drive: These are the three components of the route and usage analysis of the D3-R1-Attraktiv project. Cyclists are counted with the help of permanently installed counting stations along the route. In addition to socio-demographic data, information on arrival and departure, length of stay, spending behaviour, signposting and satisfaction is collected by means of personal interviews. "We are particularly interested in how cyclists rate the quality of the cycling infrastructure and whether they would recommend the route to others, because the necessary measures for expanding the infrastructure can be derived from this," explains Jörn Berding, who is responsible for coordinating the D3-R1-Attraktiv project at Münsterland e.V.. The analysis is rounded off by an additional drive to determine the condition of the route.

"The aim of the project is to increase the quality and attractiveness of the long-distance cycle route. With the help of the census, survey and ride, we will obtain important information on the current use of the route for cycling tourism, can sound out the economic potential of the route and develop suitable measures for further development and marketing," says Berding. The project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Digital Affairs and Transport.

Further project information

The D3-R1-Attraktiv project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Digital Affairs and Transport (BMDV) under the "Expansion and Extension of the German Cycle Network" programme, coordinated by the German Cycle Network Office at the Federal Office for Goods Transport (BAG). The Cycling Network Germany forms the network of cycle routes of national importance and consists of the twelve 'D-Routes', the 'German Unity Cycle Route' and the 'Iron Curtain Trail'. The German cycle network covers around 11,700 kilometres and is also part of the European long-distance cycle route network 'EuroVelo' and thus of international importance. With the funding programme, the federal government financially supports the qualitative improvement, awareness and attractiveness of the Cycling Network Germany.

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Your contact persons

Jörn Berding
© Münsterland e.V./Anja Tiwisina
Jörn Berding
R1 European Cycle Route Project

0049 2571 949342

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