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Funding for regional cultural projects: Applications still possible until 30 September

Münsterland Cultural Office helps with applications

MÜNSTERLAND. Money should not be an obstacle: Anyone who wants to set up a cultural project and needs financial support can apply for funds from the state's "Regional Cultural Policy" funding programme until 30 September. It is obligatory to receive advice from the Münsterland Cultural Office, which provides support in planning the project and filling out the online form.

"Many good ideas for unusual and cooperative cultural projects are emerging in Münsterland," says Andre Sebastian, head of the Münsterland Cultural Office. "That's why creative clubs, associations, municipalities, institutions and independent organisations are called upon to apply, in addition to private individuals."

Funding is primarily given to projects that meet the criteria of cooperation and networking. "You need three partners from at least two municipalities," says Sebastian. "The project partners should be equally involved in developing the content of the project. Cooperation between different municipalities is also possible."

The regional cultural policy also gives priority to projects and measures that support the cultural profile of the cultural region. Typical of culture in Münsterland are the areas of tension between tradition and modernity, town and country or down-to-earthness and innovation.

Examples of projects that have received funding in 2019 are the Münsterland Festival, the participation project "PRESERVED // Kale" by the artist duo Scheibe & Güntzel, "Neuyes Bauhaus", a project celebrating 100 years of Bauhaus, the cross-disciplinary sound art project "Soundseeing" and "Apokalypse Münsterland".

On Wednesday, 11 September, the Münsterland Cultural Office will be offering advice on the subject of "NRW Cultural Funding" as part of the Cultural Academy in Altenberge.

Further Information

Since 1997, the "Regional Cultural Policy" programme has been funding projects that strengthen communication and cooperation between creators and those responsible in NRW's cultural regions, bundle forces, network and enhance the identity and attractiveness of the region. The state funding amounts to a maximum of 50 percent of the total expenditure. In Münsterland, the Cultural Council discusses the project ideas submitted. If it makes a recommendation, a formal application can be submitted to the Münster district government.

Your contact persons

Münsterland Cultural Office
© Münsterland e.V./Anja Tiwisina
Kulturbüro Münsterland
Münsterland Cultural Office

0049 2571 949300

Eva Stannigel
© Münsterland e.V./Anja Tiwisina
Eva Stannigel
Press and public relations

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