Münsterland Festival | Gastland 2025 | Presse Münsterland e.V.
Exciting music in exciting places
© Münsterland e.V./Maren Kuiter

Münsterland Festival part 13: Spain will be the guest country in autumn 2025

Eagerly awaited, now it's finalised: the Münsterland Festival 2025 is heading to the south of Europe - to Spain. After Finland and, before that, Austria, Spain will be the guest country at Münsterland Festival part 13, making it the focus of the series of events organised by Münsterland e.V. in autumn 2025.

The festival team is thus building on the concept of the last two editions: There, it had decided to present one guest country - and not several together as in the past. "This enabled us to present the culture of a country in many facets and with cultural depth and to present a varied programme with many new discoveries and special features," emphasises the artistic director of the Münsterland Festival, Christine Sörries.

This path is now being continued together with one of the largest and most diverse countries in Europe. Because there is a lot to discover between the green Atlantic coast in the north and the hot beaches of Andalusia. "In 2025, we are presenting an authentic Spanish programme that includes the unexpected, the surprising and, of course, 'typical' Spanish things," says Lars Krolik, Festival Director at Münsterland e.V. And Christine Sörries adds: "We are delighted that we were able to win the Spanish Embassy and its cultural department as a partner for the 13th edition of the Münsterland Festival at an early stage - a cooperation that will greatly enrich the content of the festival," emphasises Sörries.

There is also good news for all those who can't wait until 2025: There will be a small summer edition of the Münsterland Festival in cooperation with the Coesfeld district's culture department: "Münsterland Festival meets BurgJazz" invites you to an eventful jazz weekend at Burg Vischering in Lüdinghausen on 15 and 16 June (Saturday/Sunday). Tickets are available from the end of March at muensterland-festival.com.

Organiser Münsterland Festival

Organiser: Münsterland e.V.

Festival director: Lars Krolik (Münsterland e.V.)

Artistic director: Christine Sörries

Partners and sponsors

Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia (Regional Culture Programme NRW), the districts of Münsterland (Borken, Coesfeld, Steinfurt and Warendorf) as well as the City of Münster and the LWL Culture Department


Organiser Münsterland Festival meets BurgJazz

Münsterland e.V. (Münsterland Festival) in co-operation with Burg Vischering/Kreis Coesfeld (BurgJazz)

Project management: Lars Krolik (Münsterland e.V.) | Swenja Janning (District of Coesfeld)

Artistic director: Christine Sörries (Münsterland Festival) | Co-curator Stephanie Pausch (BurgJazz)

Photos for download

The following images may be used for the purpose of media coverage in connection with the press release. If you require it for other purposes, please send a brief enquiry to presse@muensterland.com.

Your contact persons

Lars Krolik
© Münsterland e.V./Anja Tiwisina
Lars Krolik
Cultural Office
Münsterland Festival" project

0049 2571 94 93 26

Mareike Meiring
© Münsterland e.V./Anja Tiwisina
Mareike Meiring
Press and public relations

0049 2571 94 93 34

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