Haus Kummerveldt | Grimme Award nomination | Presse Münsterland e.V.
Premiere at Haus Welbergen
© Münsterland e.V./Philipp Fölting

Successful series from the Münsterland: Will "Haus Kummerveldt" win the Grimme Award?

Decision will be made on 14 March / Producer Lotte Ruf interviewed by Münsterland e.V.

A historical story, told in a modern way: The series "Haus Kummerveldt", which was filmed at numerous locations in Münsterland, has long been causing a furore far beyond the region. The drama was supported by Münsterland e.V. during its production. Now the series team around producer Lotte Ruf and director Mark Lorei are eagerly awaiting the 14 March: That's when it will be revealed whether "Haus Kummerveldt" will receive the prestigious Grimme Award. For the makers, the nomination alone is a sensation.

"To be nominated for the most important German television award with my debut is more than I ever dreamed of," says Lotte Ruf. "It's a great honour." The Grimme Institute in Marl selected 64 productions and individual achievements from over 750 entries. The Grimme Prize is awarded in four categories. In addition to "Haus Kummerveldt", 15 other productions are in the running in the "Fiction" category.

"Haus Kummerveldt" is about the rebellion of the young noblewoman Luise (played by Milena Straube) against the conventions of the Wilhelmine Empire. Luise longs to be a writer like her role model Annette von Droste-Hülshoff. After the death of her father, her brother Veit (Marcel Becker-Neu) uses his power as guardian - and pursues completely different plans. "With a view to the 19th century, we were particularly interested in the contemporary references," says director Mark Lorei, explaining the idea for the fictional series. "Because there are strong continuities, particularly between social and sexist patterns in society back then and today."

So far, "Haus Kummerveldt" comprises six episodes of around 20 minutes each. Following a film tour through the region organised by Münsterland e.V. and premieres at several film festivals, the series can be viewed online in the media libraries of ARD and Arte. Hundreds of thousands of video views have been achieved since summer 2023.

The Kulturbüro des Münsterland e.V. has supported "Haus Kummerveldt" from the very beginning, finding local partners and paving the way for funding from the Regional Culture Programme NRW (RKP). "We were immediately very enthusiastic about the format and content," says Andre Sebastian, Head of the Cultural Office, recalling the initial discussions in autumn 2017. "You don't get such innovative and unusual project ideas every day. It has been very exciting to watch the project develop over the past six years. Although the story is set in the provinces, there is nothing provincial about its realisation. On the contrary: anyone who sees an episode is surprised at how contemporary and professional the filming was. And of course I'm delighted that we at the Kulturbüro were able to be part of this success story."

Producer Lotte Ruf emphasises: "Without the Münsterland, the series wouldn't exist. The pilot episodes filmed in 2019 were financed entirely by sponsors and partners from the region. We are very grateful for this incredible support. We were also welcomed with open arms at our filming locations in Münsterland." In the world of Luise von Kummerveldt, viewers with local knowledge are constantly discovering familiar places. Haus Welbergen in Ochtrup, for example, became the ancestral home of the noble family. Other filming locations included the library at Burg Hülshoff in Havixbeck, the Rüschhaus in Münster and Runde in Billerbeck, Burg Vischering in Lüdinghausen and the LWL-Museum Textilwerk in Bocholt.

The team liaised with the Münster.Land film service and Christine Konken from Münsterland e.V. to find these backdrops. "The series gives the palaces and castles region a new look that appeals to an audience outside of our tourist target groups, but doesn't exclude them," says Konken. "The feminist aspect and the topicality of 'Haus Kummerveldt' contrast perfectly with the historically set character buildings of the Münsterland, without showing them off or denouncing them. Strong women and the visualisation of female residents have thus also become more interesting for real houses."

In 2022, Lotte Ruf and Mark Lorei founded the production company Goldstoff Filme, based at Haus Itlingen in Ascheberg-Herbern. Together, they want to dedicate themselves to more historical stories in the future. Their priority is the continuation of "Haus Kummerveldt" - spurred on by the public attention generated by the Grimme Prize. Lotte Ruf: "We're hoping for a career boost, which will also make it much easier to finance the next season."

Now it's time to join in the excitement: The winners of the 60th Grimme Prize will be announced on 14 March.

A detailed interview with Lotte Ruf as well as further information and background information on "Haus Kummerveldt" can be found at Münsterland e.V.

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Andre Sebastian
© Münsterland e.V./Anja Tiwisina
Andre Sebastian
Head of Münsterland Cultural Office
Art & Culture Foundation
Project "taNDem
Cultural Academy

0049 2571 94 93 23

Christine Konken
© Münsterland e.V./Anja Tiwisina
Christine Konken
Castles and Palaces Region
Office days: Monday to Thursday, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

0049 2571 94 93 44

Christoph Schwartländer
© Münsterland e.V./Anja Tiwisina

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